Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2024 18:21:42 -0500
From: Chet Ramey <>
Message-ID: <>
| because `wait -n' doesn't look in the table
| of saved statuses -- its job is to wait for `new' jobs to terminate,
| ones that have already been removed from the table.
That's very interesting, and most unexpected information.
I always wondered why the option was 'n' - I would have made it
be 'a' probably, as a shorthand for "any" - but then I decided
that perhaps 'n' was a better choice, as "a" could also be "all",
the option name would not be providing any real clue at all, so
I assumed you'd been ultra clever and used 'n' as the next char
in "any" and also as it can be read like the first part of "en" "ee"
(which you need to say out loud, or at least in your head, to get the
effect of).