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[Bug-brl] driving unequal

From: Hugo Bowden
Subject: [Bug-brl] driving unequal
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 06:36:36 +0900

He conveyed theimpression that he was fully prepared to sympathize with anythingshe might tell him.
You realize, I trust, he said,that the mysterious package contained the security. Markham had listened attentively to Vances summary. And the way he jumped at my suggestion bears out mytheory. AlvinBenson was alive, I saw the major standing by the door. I did all the thinking Im going to do alongthat line four days ago.
Paula Banning was not wholly alien tohis inclinations. When aman like Pfyfe fails to specify the sex of a person, it is safe toassume the feminine gender. The only logical answer was: Because the major had suggested it. Thats what Im going to do, blithely returned Vance; but notabout the Benson case. Youre surely not implying that I had any business dealings withMr.
Then he handed Heath the papercontaining the names Vance had called off to him.
Pfyfe has just given you your firstintelligent line of investigation, and you say hes not helpful! I am all the time having to holdhim down.
That was all my fault, she explained, with a sigh.
The tone in which he madethe remark seemed to establish a closer rapprochement. In what other quarters have you involved me during my absence?
She had spoken with the sincerity of complete assurance. Vance looked at her for a while sympathetically.
I shouldnt say that the forward movement was entirelyimperceptible.
I beg of you,sir, not to press me as to my little chat with Alvin. They didnt get along very well, she said.
Secondly, Benson was shot two days later, less than a weekbefore the note fell due. Pfyfe rewarded him with a look of beaming approval. I shouldnt say that the forward movement was entirelyimperceptible. Indeed, itwas of a most personal and private nature. Therefore, she adopted an attitude oftolerantly incredulous amusement. Y see, I told her it wasyou speaking; and it would be shocking taste not to appear. I have felt all along that he knew more than headmitted. Then he smiled at her in a spirit of appreciativegeniality and relaxed comfortably in his chair.
Ireferred to a personal relationship between you and Mr. With the greatest pleasure, said Pfyfe; but his voice had lost itsassurance.
Id call it a dirty,contemptible, underhand trick.
Heath inspected the envelope and its enclosures and then handed themback. Otherwise, he couldnt determine what was, and what was not,irrelevant. I let the boy get the numberand then I stood him to one side and listened in.
Thats all, replied Vance, rising and strolling to the window. I wantto have another talk with Pfyfe before I do anything definite.

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