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Last Modified: Wed Mar 25 2009 11:26:42 -0400
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March 25, 2009
[Bug swing/39553] New: gcj compile error (IllegalArgumentException) when using the add() method of GCJ container class for a JScrollPanel (Swing)
dmichel76 at gmail dot com
[Bug cp-tools/39408] gjavah doesn't generate constants in header files where they occur in a superclass
gnu_andrew at member dot fsf dot org
March 16, 2009
[Bug cp-tools/39408] gjavah doesn't generate constants in header files where they occur in a superclass
gnu_andrew at member dot fsf dot org
March 12, 2009
[Bug classpath/35683] array bounds exception while scaling an image
ddyer-gnu at real-me dot net
March 11, 2009
[Bug classpath/39434] New: ZipInputStream.getNextEntry() throws IOException
freebeans at xqb dot biglobe dot ne dot jp
March 09, 2009
[Bug classpath/36145] METABUG: GNU Classpath should be able to run Apache Tomcat
gnu_andrew at member dot fsf dot org
[Bug classpath/39410] METABUG: Make it possible to build OpenJDK out of the box with GNU Classpath
gnu_andrew at member dot fsf dot org
[Bug classpath/39410] New: METABUG: Make it possible to build OpenJDK out of the box with GNU Classpath
gnu_andrew at member dot fsf dot org
[Bug cp-tools/39408] New: gjavah doesn't generate constants in header files where they occur in a superclass
gnu_andrew at member dot fsf dot org
March 08, 2009
[Bug classpath/39359] java.awt.FileDialog and addNotify / java.awt.PopupMenu Segmentation Fault
me at cipher dot org dot uk
March 07, 2009
[Bug classpath/39359] java.awt.FileDialog and addNotify / java.awt.PopupMenu Segmentation Fault
me at cipher dot org dot uk
March 06, 2009
[Bug classpath/39359] java.awt.FileDialog and addNotify / java.awt.PopupMenu Segmentation Fault
me at cipher dot org dot uk
March 05, 2009
[Bug classpath/39359] java.awt.FileDialog and addNotify / java.awt.PopupMenu Segmentation Fault
bugs at cipher dot org dot uk
March 04, 2009
[Bug crypto/39376] New: trunk revision 144629 - "mkdir: cannot create directory `gnu/java/security/jce/prng': No such file or directory"
rob1weld at aol dot com
[Bug classpath/39359] New: java.awt.FileDialog and addNotify / java.awt.PopupMenu Segmentation Fault
bugs at cipher dot org dot uk
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