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Re: superuser password no longer works!

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: superuser password no longer works!
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 21:15:25 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Darrell Thomas wrote:
> I just downloaded all the security updates for my mandrake linux 10.0
> box.
> --now the su password will not work.  I can still logout and back in as
> "ROOT", so I have access, but the passwords should be the same (like
> they were before the patch)

It sounds to me from your description that Mandrake included a change
to their security policy that came with their latest security
patches.  This is not behavior that is coming from GNU coreutils
directly.  I assume it is some security policy such as /etc/securetty
or some such.  I know that Mandrake has a general way to set
"Security" on the system to low, medium or high and that changes there
have some sweeping changes through the system.

I don't have a (recent) Mandrake system available to me.  I only have
access to a friends quite ancient one.  So I can't guess beyond this.
But I really don't think this is a GNU su problem bug and I doubt it
is a bug in Mandrake either but rather a question of policy and how it
is implmemented in Mandrake.  And I assume that there would be quite a
bit of talk about a change such as this on the Mandrake lists.  But a
brief look did not see any.

If you continue to have problems you might post your question to the
Mandrake lists since I am guessing this is a policy specific to it.
Here is a pointer to their mailing list that I found from their main
web page.



> address@hidden Darrell]$   su
> Password:                                             (I enter the
> correct password)
> Su: incorrect password
> I have to log out and relog back in to get to the ROOT directory. 
> Any words?
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