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Re: date --help sends one digging RFCs

From: Dan Jacobson
Subject: Re: date --help sends one digging RFCs
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 05:16:39 +0800

Eric> Instead of complaining, why not propose a patch?  It doesn't even have to

OK, maybe add an option that would show what all the flags are now, and in
the current locale,
$ date --examples-current
which would give sort of like what
$ set -- $(date --help|
perl -anlwe 'next unless /./;$_=$F[0];s/^%/+%/||s/(^-.),/$1/||next;print')
$ for i do echo  $i;date $i;echo;done
does now.
But also add a plain
$ date --examples
which would give e.g., 11/22/2002 examples, so the user would be sure to see
maximal spaced examples...

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