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nl-command bug

From: Silvano Catinella
Subject: nl-command bug
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2005 06:39:43 -0800 (PST)


I have discovered a little bug in nl command written by  Scott Bartram and
David MacKenzie. When I push an ASCII-color-text into the pipe used by nl, I
can see a very strange behavior.

Usually, if I use "-b t" argument I would see no line-number before empty line.
But with ASCII-color the program considers escape-codes (\033[....m) as text
and prints number before empty lines. For example the following command

$ ls coreutils-5.93 --color=always |nl -b t

...produces the following output:

     1  ABOUT-NLS
     2  AUTHORS
     3  COPYING
    [ ... ]
    28  po
    29  src
    30  tests

"tests" file has blue color because it is a directory, and, as you can see the
nl-process prints a empty line (31) next.
If I do not use ASCII-colors I obtain different behavior:

$ ls coreutils-5.93 |nl -b t
     1  ABOUT-NLS
     2  AUTHORS
     3  COPYING
    [ ... ]
    28  po
    29  src
    30  tests

as you can see the empty line is not printed in this way.

I have written a new version of nl command, please find the source-file as

In my version I have add a feature to setting the record-separator string. I
have no yet implemented the regexp on flag -b, but if you consider my
contribute useful, I will happy to complete this task.

I will look for your answer.


Silvano Catinella

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

Attachment: nl-1133444425.c
Description: 4065792782-nl-1133444425.c

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