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coreutils-5.96 bug report

From: Robin and Gene Betsch
Subject: coreutils-5.96 bug report
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 21:28:37 -0700


It said to file a bug report. I suspect it has something to do with where I compiled it from....

xxxx~/desktop/coreutils-5.96 robingene$ make check
Making check in lib
./t-fpending > /dev/null
make  check-am
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `check-am'.
Making check in src
rm -rf progs-readme progs-makefile
echo [ chgrp chown chmod cp dd dircolors du ginstall link ln dir vdir ls mkdir mkfifo mknod mv nohup readlink rm rmdir shred stat sync touch unlink cat cksum comm csplit cut expand fmt fold head join md5sum nl od paste pr ptx sha1sum sort split sum tac tail tr tsort unexpand uniq wc basename date dirname echo env expr factor false hostname id kill logname pathchk printenv printf pwd seq sleep tee test true tty whoami yes uname chroot hostid nice pinky users who uptime stty df groups chroot df hostid nice pinky stty su uname uptime users who \
| tr -s ' ' '\n' | sed -e 's,$,,' \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u > progs-makefile && \
sed -n '/^The programs .* are:/,/^[a-zA-Z]/p' ../README \
  | sed -n '/^   */s///p' | tr -s ' ' '\n' > progs-readme
diff progs-makefile progs-readme && rm -rf progs-readme progs-makefile
cd .; grep '^# *define *S_IS' lbracket.c basename.c cat.c chgrp.c chown-core.c chmod.c chown.c chown-core.c chroot.c cksum.c comm.c cp.c copy.c cp-hash.c csplit.c cut.c date.c dd.c df.c ls.c ls-dir.c dircolors.c dirname.c du.c echo.c env.c expand.c expr.c factor.c false.c fmt.c fold.c install.c copy.c cp-hash.c head.c hostid.c hostname.c id.c join.c kill.c link.c ln.c logname.c ls.c ls-ls.c md5sum.c md5.c mkdir.c mkfifo.c mknod.c mv.c copy.c cp-hash.c remove.c nice.c nl.c nohup.c od.c paste.c pathchk.c pinky.c pr.c printenv.c printf.c ptx.c pwd.c readlink.c rm.c remove.c rmdir.c seq.c setuidgid.c md5sum.c sha1sum.c shred.c sleep.c sort.c split.c stat.c stty.c su.c sum.c sync.c tac.c tail.c tee.c test.c touch.c tr.c true.c tsort.c tty.c uname.c unexpand.c uniq.c unlink.c uptime.c users.c ls.c ls-vdir.c wc.c who.c whoami.c yes.c && exit 1 || : cd .; grep st_blocks lbracket.c basename.c cat.c chgrp.c chown-core.c chmod.c chown.c chown-core.c chroot.c cksum.c comm.c cp.c copy.c cp- hash.c csplit.c cut.c date.c dd.c df.c ls.c ls-dir.c dircolors.c dirname.c du.c echo.c env.c expand.c expr.c factor.c false.c fmt.c fold.c install.c copy.c cp-hash.c head.c hostid.c hostname.c id.c join.c kill.c link.c ln.c logname.c ls.c ls-ls.c md5sum.c md5.c mkdir.c mkfifo.c mknod.c mv.c copy.c cp-hash.c remove.c nice.c nl.c nohup.c od.c paste.c pathchk.c pinky.c pr.c printenv.c printf.c ptx.c pwd.c readlink.c rm.c remove.c rmdir.c seq.c setuidgid.c md5sum.c sha1sum.c shred.c sleep.c sort.c split.c stat.c stty.c su.c sum.c sync.c tac.c tail.c tee.c test.c touch.c tr.c true.c tsort.c tty.c uname.c unexpand.c uniq.c unlink.c uptime.c users.c ls.c ls-vdir.c wc.c who.c whoami.c yes.c && exit 1 || : cd .; grep '^# *define .*defined' lbracket.c basename.c cat.c chgrp.c chown-core.c chmod.c chown.c chown-core.c chroot.c cksum.c comm.c cp.c copy.c cp-hash.c csplit.c cut.c date.c dd.c df.c ls.c ls-dir.c dircolors.c dirname.c du.c echo.c env.c expand.c expr.c factor.c false.c fmt.c fold.c install.c copy.c cp-hash.c head.c hostid.c hostname.c id.c join.c kill.c link.c ln.c logname.c ls.c ls-ls.c md5sum.c md5.c mkdir.c mkfifo.c mknod.c mv.c copy.c cp-hash.c remove.c nice.c nl.c nohup.c od.c paste.c pathchk.c pinky.c pr.c printenv.c printf.c ptx.c pwd.c readlink.c rm.c remove.c rmdir.c seq.c setuidgid.c md5sum.c sha1sum.c shred.c sleep.c sort.c split.c stat.c stty.c su.c sum.c sync.c tac.c tail.c tee.c test.c touch.c tr.c true.c tsort.c tty.c uname.c unexpand.c uniq.c unlink.c uptime.c users.c ls.c ls-vdir.c wc.c who.c whoami.c yes.c && exit 1 || :
rm -f authors-actual authors-dotdot
for i in `ls [ chgrp chown chmod cp dd dircolors du ginstall link ln dir vdir ls mkdir mkfifo mknod mv nohup readlink rm rmdir shred stat sync touch unlink cat cksum comm csplit cut expand fmt fold head join md5sum nl od paste pr ptx sha1sum sort split sum tac tail tr tsort unexpand uniq wc basename date dirname echo env expr factor false hostname id kill logname pathchk printenv printf pwd seq sleep tee test true tty whoami yes uname chroot hostid nice pinky users who uptime stty df groups chroot df hostid nice pinky stty su uname uptime users who | sed -e 's,$,,' \
    | LC_ALL=C sort -u`; do                             \
  test "$i" = '[' && continue;                  \
  exe=$i;                                       \
  if test "$i" = install; then                  \
    exe=ginstall;                               \
  elif test "$i" = test; then                   \
    exe='[';                                    \
  fi;                                           \
  ./$exe --version                              \
|sed -n '/Written by /{ s//'"$i"': /; s/,* and /, /; s/\.$//; p; }'; \
done > authors-actual
sed -n '/:/p' ../AUTHORS > authors-dotdot
diff authors-actual authors-dotdot && rm -f authors-actual authors- dotdot
make  check-am
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `check-am'.
Making check in doc
fail=0; \
grep timezone ./*.texi && fail=1; \
/usr/bin/grep -E '(^|[^A-Za-z0-9_])IO([^A-Za-z0-9_]|$)' ./*.texi && fail=1; \
grep non-zero ./*.texi && fail=1; \
grep '@url{' ./*.texi && fail=1; \
/usr/bin/grep -E '(^|[^A-Za-z0-9_])NUL([^A-Za-z0-9_]|$)' ./*.texi && fail=1; \
grep '\$@"' ./*.texi && fail=1; \
grep -n '[^[:punct:address@hidden' ./*.texi && fail=1; \
grep -n filename ./*.texi|grep -vE 'setfilename|{filename}' \
  && fail=1; \
perl -e 1 2> /dev/null && { perl -ne \
'/\bPOSIX\b/ && !/address@hidden/ && !/^\* / || /{posix}/ and print,exit 1' \
  ./*.texi 2> /dev/null || fail=1; }; \
grep -iwE 'builtins?' ./*.texi && fail=1; \
grep -iwE 'path(name)?s?' ./*.texi \
  | grep -vE '@vindex PATH$|@env{PATH}' && fail=1; \
exit $fail
Making check in man
make  check-local
PATH=../src:$PATH; export PATH;         \
t=ls-files.$$;                                          \
(cd . && ls -1 *.x) | sed 's/\.x$//' | LC_ALL=C sort > $t;\
echo basename.1 cat.1 chgrp.1 chmod.1 chown.1 chroot.1 cksum.1 comm.1 cp.1 csplit.1 cut.1 date.1 dd.1 df.1 dir.1 dircolors.1 dirname.1 du.1 echo.1 env.1 expand.1 expr.1 factor.1 false.1 fmt.1 fold.1 groups.1 head.1 hostid.1 hostname.1 id.1 install.1 join.1 kill.1 link.1 ln.1 logname.1 ls.1 md5sum.1 mkdir.1 mkfifo.1 mknod.1 mv.1 nice.1 nl.1 nohup.1 od.1 paste.1 pathchk.1 pinky.1 pr.1 printenv.1 printf.1 ptx.1 pwd.1 readlink.1 rm.1 rmdir.1 seq.1 sha1sum.1 shred.1 sleep.1 sort.1 split.1 stat.1 stty.1 su.1 sum.1 sync.1 tac.1 tail.1 tee.1 test.1 touch.1 tr.1 true.1 tsort.1 tty.1 uname.1 unexpand.1 uniq.1 unlink.1 uptime.1 users.1 vdir.1 wc.1 who.1 whoami.1 yes.1 | tr -s ' ' '\n' | sed 's/\.1$//' \
  | LC_ALL=C sort | diff - $t || { rm $t; exit 1; };            \
rm $t
status=0;                                       \
for p in dummy `(cd ../src && MAKEFLAGS= make -s all_programs.list) | grep -v '\['`; do \
  test $p = dummy && continue;                  \
  test $p = ginstall && p=install || : ;        \
  test -f ./$p.x                        \
    || { echo missing $p.x 1>&2; status=1; };   \
done;                                           \
exit $status
Making check in po
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `check'.
Making check in tests
../src/printenv POSIXLY_CORRECT >/dev/null \
  && sed s/%%/POSIXLY_CORRECT/ ./.env-warn || :
test "${CDPATH+set}" = set \
  && sed s/%%/CDPATH/ ./.env-warn || :
NOTICE: Some tests may be run only as root.
  Do `make check-root' as `root' to run these tests.
Making check in basename
make  check-TESTS
PASS: basic
All 1 tests passed
Making check in chgrp
make  check-TESTS
PASS: no-x
PASS: posix-H
PASS: basic
PASS: deref
PASS: recurse
All 5 tests passed
Making check in chmod
make  check-TESTS
PASS: octal
PASS: no-x
PASS: equals
PASS: equal-x
PASS: c-option
PASS: setgid
PASS: umask-x
PASS: usage
All 8 tests passed
Making check in chown
make  check-TESTS
./basic: This test is being skipped, since it works only
when run as root.
SKIP: basic
PASS: deref
PASS: separator
All 2 tests passed
(1 tests were not run)
Making check in cp
make  check-TESTS
PASS: cp-deref
PASS: preserve-2
PASS: r-vs-symlink
PASS: link-preserve
PASS: backup-1
PASS: no-deref-link1
PASS: no-deref-link2
PASS: no-deref-link3
PASS: backup-is-src
PASS: same-file
PASS: cp-mv-backup
PASS: symlink-slash
PASS: slink-2-slink
PASS: fail-perm
PASS: dir-slash
./perm: This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default.
To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS
environment variable set to yes.  E.g.,

  env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check

SKIP: perm
./special-bits: This test is being skipped, since it works only
when run as root.
SKIP: special-bits
PASS: link
PASS: dir-rm-dest
PASS: cp-parents
PASS: deref-slink
PASS: dir-vs-file
PASS: into-self
All 22 tests passed
(2 tests were not run)
Making check in cut
make  check-TESTS
PASS: cut-tests
All 1 tests passed
Making check in dd
make  check-TESTS
PASS: misc
PASS: not-rewound
PASS: skip-seek
PASS: skip-seek2
3+1 records in
0+1 records out
18 bytes (18 B) copied, 0.000453 seconds, 39.7 kB/s
PASS: unblock-sync
All 5 tests passed
Making check in dircolors
make  check-TESTS
PASS: simple
All 1 tests passed
Making check in du
make  check-TESTS
PASS: files0-from
PASS: inaccessible-cwd
PASS: deref-args
PASS: slash
./fd-leak: This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default.
To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS
environment variable set to yes.  E.g.,

  env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check

SKIP: fd-leak
PASS: hard-link
./8gb: skipping this test, since this file system doesn't support
./8gb: sparse files and this test requires a file with an apparent
./8gb: size of 8GB
SKIP: 8gb
./basic: different block count/size, so skipping this test
SKIP: basic
PASS: restore-wd
PASS: exclude
PASS: no-x
PASS: no-deref
PASS: trailing-slash
PASS: deref
PASS: two-args
PASS: slink
All 13 tests passed
(3 tests were not run)
Making check in expr
make  check-TESTS
PASS: basic
All 1 tests passed
Making check in factor
make  check-TESTS
PASS: basic
All 1 tests passed
Making check in fmt
make  check-TESTS
PASS: basic
./long-line: line 17:  9653 Broken pipe             yes
PASS: long-line
All 2 tests passed
Making check in head
make  check-TESTS
PASS: head-tests
All 1 tests passed
Making check in install
make  check-TESTS
PASS: trap
PASS: basic-1
PASS: create-leading
PASS: d-slashdot
All 4 tests passed
Making check in join
make  check-TESTS
PASS: join-tests
All 1 tests passed
Making check in ln
make  check-TESTS
PASS: target-1
PASS: sf-1
PASS: misc
PASS: backup-1
All 4 tests passed
Making check in ls
make  check-TESTS
PASS: inode
PASS: dangle
PASS: file-type
PASS: recursive
PASS: dired
PASS: infloop
PASS: rt-1
PASS: time-1
PASS: symlink-slash
PASS: follow-slink
PASS: no-arg
PASS: m-option
All 12 tests passed
Making check in ls-2
make  check-TESTS
PASS: tests
All 1 tests passed
Making check in md5sum
make  check-TESTS
PASS: basic-1
PASS: newline-1
All 2 tests passed
Making check in misc
make  check-TESTS
PASS: stat-printf
PASS: stat-fmt
PASS: date
./tac-continue: FULL_PARTITION_TMPDIR not defined; skipping this test
SKIP: tac-continue
PASS: close-stdout
PASS: pwd
PASS: date-sec
PASS: paste-no-nl
PASS: expand
PASS: fold
PASS: nohup
PASS: head-elide-tail
PASS: split-fail
PASS: false
tty-eof: this script requires Perl's Expect package >=1.11
SKIP: tty-eof
PASS: printf-hex
PASS: nl
PASS: split-l
PASS: printf
PASS: split-a
PASS: head-pos
PASS: sort
PASS: head-c
PASS: csplit
PASS: nice
PASS: pathchk1
All 24 tests passed
(2 tests were not run)
Making check in mkdir
make  check-TESTS
PASS: p-3
PASS: p-1
PASS: p-2
PASS: special-1
PASS: perm
PASS: parents
PASS: t-slash
PASS: p-slashdot
All 8 tests passed
Making check in mv
make  check-TESTS
PASS: no-target-dir
PASS: reply-no
./leak-fd: This test is relatively expensive, so it is disabled by default.
To run it anyway, rerun make check with the RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS
environment variable set to yes.  E.g.,

  env RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=yes make check

SKIP: leak-fd
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
chmod: cannot access `part-hardlink.tmp': No such file or directory
SKIP: part-hardlink
PASS: hard-4
PASS: hard-3
PASS: hard-2
PASS: perm-1
PASS: i-link-no
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
chmod: cannot access `part-fail.tmp': No such file or directory
SKIP: part-fail
PASS: dup-source
PASS: childproof
PASS: i-4
PASS: update
PASS: i-2
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: mv-special-1
PASS: into-self
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: into-self-2
PASS: into-self-3
PASS: into-self-4
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: backup-is-src
PASS: i-1
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: hard-link-1
PASS: force
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: partition-perm
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: to-symlink
PASS: dir-file
PASS: diag
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
SKIP: part-symlink
This test requires a writable directory on a different
disk partition, and I couldn't find one.  I tried these:
   /tmp /var/tmp /usr/tmp /Users/robingene
Set your environment variable CANDIDATE_TMP_DIRS to make
this test use a different list.
chmod: cannot access `part-rename.tmp': No such file or directory
SKIP: part-rename
PASS: trailing-slash
All 20 tests passed
(11 tests were not run)
Making check in od
make  check-TESTS
PASS: od-N
PASS: x8
All 2 tests passed
Making check in pr
make  check-TESTS
PASS: pr-tests
All 1 tests passed
Making check in readlink
make  check-TESTS
PASS: rl-1
FAIL: can-e
FAIL: can-f
FAIL: can-m
3 of 4 tests failed
Please report to address@hidden
make[3]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
make[2]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

"Share and Enjoy"

Mr. Robin Betsch

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