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Re: coreutils test coverage

From: Daniel Dunbar
Subject: Re: coreutils test coverage
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 15:26:45 -0700 (PDT)


> How cool!
> That's a really useful tool.  I wonder if it might be possible to
> include some instructions for producing a coverage report like that in
> the project somewhere... maybe in the HACKING file?

It is fairly straightforward, although lcov has some quirks resolving path
names which I haven't really looked into. I have also noticed it get very 
if stray .gcov files are lying around, but haven't debugged this issue.

Here is the process I use for generating those results. First, generate the 
coverage information:
# configure with coverage information
./configure CFLAGS="-g -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage"
# run whatever tests you want, i.e.:
make check

Second, generate lcov output. I use the following unpolished script, which 
takes an 
optional argument for keeping separate .info files (lcov's internal parsing of 
the gcov data)
and output -html directories. The script expects to be run from the top level 
directory so that the lcov genhtml script resolves pathnames appropriately.

if [ address@hidden -eq 0 ]; then
elif [ address@hidden -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 [prefix]"
    exit 1

# prevent stray gcov files
find . -name '*.gcov' | xargs rm -f

rm -rf $PREFIX-*.info $PREFIX-html

if (! lcov -t coreutils -q -d lib -b lib -o $PREFIX-lib.info -c); then
    echo "ERROR: lcov failed"
    exit 1

if (! lcov -t coreutils -q -d src -b src -o $PREFIX-src.info -c); then
    echo "ERROR: lcov failed"
    exit 1

genhtml -p `pwd` -t coreutils -q --output-directory $PREFIX-html 
$PREFIX-lib.info $PREFIX-src.info

I also have an additional script which munges the lcov output to make the tables
sortable but this is pretty gross. When I get a chance I would prefer to push 
back to lcov as an extra option, although if you really want it I can pass it 

 - Daniel

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