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bug#15127: grep not taking last conflicting option as choice?

From: Linda Walsh
Subject: bug#15127: grep not taking last conflicting option as choice?
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:43:05 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird

Eric Blake wrote:
On 08/22/2013 04:18 PM, Linda Walsh wrote:
Isn't the point of software to give users the freedom
to make their choices -- to help them do their job?  It's not to enforce
a particular mind-think or dogma.

And the point of free software is that YOU are free to modify the
software to fit your needs, and share your modifications;
Oh, so if I submit patches to fix the problems I've raised, they
will be incorporated?  Or is someone using their position of
source-code maintainer/gatekeeper to implement their own
vision while excluding others?

 not to rant
that you got something at no price while demanding that someone else fix
it to meet your whims.  Share patches, rather than rants, and you will
gain a lot more friends in the world of free software.
        I have shared multiple patches -- having them dropped on the floor
makes me unwilling to submit patches for things that they gatekeepers are
going to unilaterally reject anyway.

More than 50% of your mail was ranting about the behavior of grep, which
we already established is NOT part of the coreutils package.
    Sorry, I thought the 15127 was the bug that got assigned when I
send the email to the bug-grep reported here:

and responded to here:

It doesn't seem that the grep bug was assigned a bug number, though it
appeared to be rejected and my response was in regards to it.

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