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bug#28528: Split command problems.

From: Nick Farrow
Subject: bug#28528: Split command problems.
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 02:04:36 -0500

When I use the coreutils split command on a file. I get the parts with no
problem. But when trying the same exact command on the same exact file on a
different server the hashes checks of the parts vs the other server don’t
match. Is there a way to process a file the exact same way despite the OS?

If there is a way to split the files exactly the same then multisource
file-transfer could be as easy as using the scp command.

split --version

split (GNU coreutils) 8.23

Time is Under your Feet!
-Nick Farrow

Attachment: server2.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: server1.txt
Description: Text document

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