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bug#29802: "uniq -c" doesn't like counting lines with nulls

From: PD
Subject: bug#29802: "uniq -c" doesn't like counting lines with nulls
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 00:40:34 -0800
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.22-7.fc17

Uniq *sometimes* fails to combine lines containing a null character:

# uniq --version
uniq (GNU coreutils) 8.4

##### Count duplicate text lines:
# printf "\n\x00\n\x00\n" | cat -e | uniq -c
      1 $
      2 address@hidden

##### Count duplicate binary lines:
# printf "\x00\n\x00\n\n" | uniq -c | cat -e
      2 address@hidden
      1 $

##### Whoops, fail to count duplicate binary lines:
# printf "\n\x00\n\x00\n" | uniq -c | cat -e
      1 $
      1 address@hidden
      1 address@hidden

This was the smallest test case; the original file had hundreds of lines
with nulls (\x00) and Ctrl-A (\x01) characters, and it was quite a
surprise when the output of 'sort testfile | uniq -c' had many pages of '1
address@hidden' followed by '496 ^A$': it was counting the Ctrl-A lines 
but failing on the null-character lines.

For automated testing with 'delta' or 'git bisect', this works:
a=$(sort $1 | cat -e | uniq -c | md5sum -)
b=$(sort $1 | uniq -c | cat -e | md5sum -)
if [[ "$a" != "$b" ]]; then
  echo "PASS (bug present)"; exit 0
  echo "FAIL (bug absent)"; exit 1

I regret not having the time to test this with coreutils 8.28, but I
couldn't see anything in the git log to suggest this has been fixed:


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