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bug#66835: Heap buffer overread in expr in regexec.c in the check_arriva

From: Some Dickhead
Subject: bug#66835: Heap buffer overread in expr in regexec.c in the check_arrival_add_next_nodes function.
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 20:14:54 +0200

Hi! I was fuzzing expr in coreutils and found a bug. I compiled expr with
asan and ubsan. I cloned the repository from
https://github.com/coreutils/coreutils and I am using
commit f7e25d5bb53e35bcdea8512dd6db07dd7e6cf452 . After compiling expr,
just run './expr $(printf "\x30\x98\xc8\x9d") : $(printf
"\x5c\x28\x5c\x29\x2e\x2a\x5c\x53\x98\xc8\x30\x2a\x5c\x31")' and observe
the crash. I have attached the ASAN report which I got from my run to this

Attachment: asanreport.txt
Description: Text document

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