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[Bug-cpio] mt patch addendum

From: Clint Adams
Subject: [Bug-cpio] mt patch addendum
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 17:25:49 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

I am adding this on top of the previous patch.

--- orig/src/mt.c
+++ mod/src/mt.c
@@ -193,8 +193,12 @@
   {0x45, "QIC-3095"},
   {0x80, "DLTtape III/DLTtape IIIxt (62500 bpi)"},
   {0x81, "DLTtape III/DLTtape IIIxt compressed (62500 bpi)"},
-  {0x82, "DLTtape IV (81633 bpi)"},
-  {0x83, "DLTtape IV compressed (81633 bpi)"},
+  {0x82, "DLTtape IV 4000 uncompressed (20GB)"},
+  {0x83, "DLTtape IV 4000 compressed (40GB)"},
+  {0x84, "DLTtape IV 7000 uncompressed (35GB)"},
+  {0x85, "DLTtape IV 7000 compressed (70GB)"},
+  {0x88, "DLTtape IV 8000 uncompressed (40GB)"},
+  {0x89, "DLTtape IV 8000 compressed (80GB)"},
   {140, "EXB-8505 compressed"},
   {144, "EXB-8205 compressed"},
   {-1, NULL}};

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