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[Bug-cpio] mt missing some operation parameters

From: Ingo Freund
Subject: [Bug-cpio] mt missing some operation parameters
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 10:09:07 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)


after installing a new SuSE 10.0 from scratch on my backup server
I wantetd to use mt like I was used to, which means switch off
compression before writing to the DLT tape

this command always worked fine:
mt -f /dev/st0 datcompreesion off

using this on the new OS, the answer always is "Compression On".
Looking into the syslog I see the kernel complaining this:
program mt is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please convert it to SG_IO

I tried to make my own "mt" by compiling the cpio suite
with "./configure CPIO_MT_PROG=mt" but after that the mt program
does not know operations like "datcompression" or "setdensity" anymore.

What can I do to get mt to work as it did before?

Cheers - Ingo.

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