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gettext-0.22.4 make fails with DESTDIR env set

From: Henrik Holst
Subject: gettext-0.22.4 make fails with DESTDIR env set
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2024 19:42:21 +0000

I started using a convention to set DESTDIR during the entire package build: 
meaning I set and export the environment variables that is used for 
./configure, make, and make install. 
I was surprised that all of the sudden gettext failed to build. I did not make 
the connection to the DESTDIR environment variable at first, but it turns out 
after a few hours of digging that the make step itself fails if DESTDIR is set 
to where the package is intended to be installed in the subsequent make install.
I guess the most common way to install is to run make DESTDIR=.. install but I 
thought that the DESTDIR environment variable was quite convenient way to do it 
for most packages. Hopefully it should not be a big thing to fix?
Henrik Holst

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