37 But thou shalt read in thiscity with the elders of the church.
Andyet even
these, if they shallrepent, shall rejoice too.
Of the trial, and tribulation
that is about to come upon men.
19 Go, therefore, and relate tothe elect of God
the great thingsthat he hath done for thee.
53 For which cause their
jointsexactly meet together in the buildingof the tower.
17 I said to her;
Lady, I wouldknow what it is that they havesuffered? 46 They also are the holy
angelsof the Lord; but the others aremore excellent than these. 114 Canst thou
see more notableRevelations than those whichthou hast already received? I am,
said he,that shepherd to whose care youare delivered. Fast, therefore, andthou
shalt learn from the Lordthat which thou dost ask.
Andbeing desirous of seeing
it,I became very cheerful ofcountenances.
Hear then, said she:wild beasts,
scourgings,imprisonments, and crossesfor his name-sake. 70 I answering, said
unto her,When therefore will they beprofitable to the Lord? 2 Especially see
that thou speakevil of none, nor willingly hearany one speak evil of others.
For which cause their jointsexactly meet together in the buildingof the
28 Happy are all they that dorighteousness, they shall not beconsumed
for ever. Thefiery and bloody colour signifiesthat this age must be destroyedby
fire and blood.
and I being full of sorrowand weeping, answered, Hail Lady!
answered, Lady, theselast things please me; but whatwent before was severe and
For through their sinsand iniquities, thou art whollyconsumed in secular
24 Hear, said she; The blackwhich thou sawest denotes theworld in
which you dwell. 12 As soon as they were departed,and we were alone, she said
unto me;sit here.
45 And who are the rest whobring them stones?