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Students' Vote of Confidence for SIU Programmes: 23 New Enrollmentsin 5

From: IGHE
Subject: Students' Vote of Confidence for SIU Programmes: 23 New Enrollmentsin 5 Days!
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 18:11:13 +0800

Singapore, 5 March 2003
Informatics Global Higher Education
Students'  Vote  of  Confidence for SIU Programmes: 23 New Enrollments in 5

Over the last week, 23 students decided that Salem International University
(SIU)  degree  qualification was the absolute academic pathway for them and
sign  up  at  the Kuala Lumpur Informatics Computer School, Malaysia.  What
were the attributes that affirmed their decision?

"I have been looking forward to attain my higher education with an American
Educational  Institution.  With the SIU programmes, I am presented with the
opportunity  to  achieve my degree qualifications without even stepping out
of Malaysia," said Trevo Francis Peter Takom, newly enrolled SIU student.
|(Embedded image moved to   |                                             |
|file: pic30523.jpg)        |Every  year,  500,000  students further their|
|                           |higher   learning   in   United   States   at|
|                           |undergraduate  and  graduate levels. American|
|                           |education  is well-known for its Research and|
|                           |Professional   programmes  in  most  academic|
|                           |fields,  including  engineering,  mathematics|
|                           |and   computer  science,  physical  and  life|
|                           |sciences,    and    the    humanities.    The|
|                           |Professional programmes lead to master's (i.e|
|                           |MBA  or  MPA)  that allow students to work in|
|                           |fields such as law, medicine, social work, or|
|                           |business.  In  addition to academic learning,|
|                           |cross-cultural   learning   in  liberal  arts|
|                           |education   are   emphasised   to   ensure  a|
|                           |well-rounded education for the student.      |
|                           |                                             |

"With   the  SIU  three  year  track,  I  can  get  satisfaction  from  the
accomplishment  of  each  individual  level  of  Diploma, Advanced Diploma,
Associate Degree and finally, my degree. It helps to increase my employment
marketability  as  I  can  now qualify my completion of each qualification.
Also,  I  can  accelerate  my  progression  with simultaneous completion of
Advanced  Diploma  and Associate Degree," commented Mr Leong Seng Yap. "The
best part of it is that the cost of attaining this SIU degree with the said
benefits  is  comparative to other final-year degree programmes, " added Mr

Salem  International  University  is  a  private, independent, liberal arts
college  based  in  West  Virginia, founded in 1888 as Salem College. Salem
International  University  seeks to provide students with an international,
intercultural  educational  experience  through the offers of Baccalaureate
degrees  and degrees at the Masters level.  SIU is accredited by The Higher
Learning Commission, North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
|                                            |(Embedded   image  moved  to|
|Currently,  students  can  opt  for  quality|file: pic01587.jpg)         |
|tertiary  education with the availability of|                            |
|these two courses in the Salem International|                            |
|University  programme  via  Purpletrain.com,|                            |
|the    e-learning    service   provider   of|                            |
|Informatics Group:                          |                            |
|                                            |                            |
|*  Bachelor  of  Science  (BSc)  in Business|                            |
|Management                                  |                            |
|   (Management or International Business)   |                            |
|*  Bachelor  of  Science  (BSc)  in Computer|                            |
|Science (IT Major)                          |                            |

"Once  the students understood the features of the SIU courses, it is clear
to them how it will benefit them, not only in academic knowledge but in all
aspects  of  learning.  It is an immense pleasure when students are assured
that  they  have  chosen the best academic pathway for themselves,' said Ms
Thamarai,  Sales  Executive  who  had  single -handedly signed up 12 of the
seventeen students over the last week.

23  students have already posted their confidence by signing up, what about

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