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logistics meeting

From: 3L
Subject: logistics meeting
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 10:43:48 +0800

Logistics and SCM for Fortune 500 & MNC  
财富500强中国物流与供应链管理经理讲座( 第二十八期  )9月 24 日至 25日 
Saving Cost through Logistics and SCM in China September 24-25.
咨询培训主题:  降低中国物流成本的实用途径(实务与案例)
主要内容:Basic info.  & Logistics Cases in China
1.      降低中国企业运营成本的三段论分析方法
Three stages of saving operation cost in China
2.      改进物流绩效的物流管理三部曲
Three parts of feasibility study for logistics efficiency and effectiveness 
3.      存货管理的牛鞭效应及解决途径
Inventory management against Bullwhip
4.      外协物流的冰山现象与应对博弈
Outsourcing logistics against Iceberg 
5.      无仓库的供应链存货管理系统
Supply Chain Management under non-warehouse
6.      最优化的物流管理方法应用与次优化的供应链管理
Optimization of Logistics and Supply chain
7.      新技术革命与中国企业运营成本管理
New technology revolution and china operation management
日程安排   2005年9月  24 日   星期六        8:30 - 9:00 签到 

一.      如何降低企业的物流成本(物流的成本控制与降低成本的方法5个案例)
How to save logistics cost in China
1.      挑战起始一公里与决战最后一公里
Key one-mile challenge and decision
2.      中国库存管理与存货控制的挑战与对策
Storage management and inventory control in China
3.      中国仓库/运输的结构与特点
Structure and feature of china warehousing and transportation
4.      中外物流成本结构的差异与管理重点
Differences between China Logistics and foreign one
5.      中国物流成本的结构与特点(中国物流功能管理的重点)
Focus on the China logistics cost of its surroundings 
6.      降低物流成本的三步法
Three stages of saving logistics cost
7.      主要物流成本分类与分析
Main logistics cost analysis 
8.      可变物流成本的敏感性分析
Main changeable cost of logistics 
9.      物流成本的驱动因子与驱动方法
Driving facts of logistics cost and it way
10.     降低物流成本案例分析讨论:基本物流成本认知

二.      如何提高仓储管理的绩效(5个案例)
How to manage warehouse efficiently
10.     经典仓储管理的发展与变革
Classical management of storage and warehousing and modern one 
11.     不同功能仓库/堆场的最新发展与应用拓展
Updated stock warehouse and container yard 
12.     现代仓库面临的危急与变革方向
Challenge and development of warehouse
13.     仓库规划与仓储管理的重要性次序
Procedure of warehousing management
14.     中国仓储管理的特色与最新管理方法
New methods of warehouse management in China
15.     仓储存货工艺与搬运装卸设备的选择12:00 - 13:00午餐-17: 00
Selection of warehousing and processing 
16.     库存量合理性与客户服务水准
More stock ability and higher customer service 
17.     提高仓库库房储存能力与利用率的十种方法
Increasing WH ability and efficiency 
18.     库存量合理性与仓库管理的不同策略
Different strategy of WH management
19.     仓库盘点与库存准确性控制
Checking  inventory and taking stock
20.     库存管理方法与理货规则
Talley rules and in/out warehousing 
21.     提高货物进库与库存管理准确性的各种方法
Correction of stock management
22.     提高库内作业效率与降低作业成本的各种途径
Higher efficiency of warehousing operation and lower cost
23.     提高出库及时性的措施
Outlet speed and loading in time
24.     订单出库作业流程的选择与实施
Order management and selection  of warehousing
25.     自有仓库与租赁仓储的多种选择
Owner's warehousing and rental one 
26.     混合仓库储存策略与成本控制方法
Mix-strategy of warehousing and cost control 
27.     提高仓储管理绩效的方法,激励机制及案例分析
Increasing warehouse efficiency and case study
28.     企业KPI与储运管理KPI
Enterpriser's KPI & TPL's KPI 
29.     降低库存的方法与案例
Lower inventory level and stocking

2005年 9 月 25 日   星期日         9:00 - 12: 00
三. 如何提高运输绩效与配送服务水平(5个案例)
How to control transportation effectively and better distribution
1.      牛鞭效应与物流解决方案(No-Order Delivery System)
Bullwhip and logistics solution
2.      运输线路的选择与最佳运输线路规划(图论-线权与数学规划)
Optimization of transportation routs
3.      最优化运输成本组合的决策方法
Optimization of transportation cost 
4.      市内快件,国内快件与国际快件的不同运输方式
Fast expressing of domestic and international delivery
5.      整车托运与零担托运D2D抉择
Full loading and part loading of D2D
6.      混合运输方式的综合分析
Mix-transportation ways
7.      工业配送与商业配送
Industrial distribution and commercial one
8.      共同配送与社会化物流服务
Co-distribution and social logistics 
9.      现代仓库,堆场与配送中心(流通加工)  
Cargo Distribution and its processing
10.     现代仓库功能(配送与集运)的变化与发展 
Functional Challenge in Distribution & Collection of Warehousing
11.     工业配送中心与商业配送中心
Industrial distribution center and commercial one
12.     Cross-Dock与集运/配送系统 
Cross-docking system and collection/distribution
13.     应急物流配送与'小概率物流'
Emergency logistics 
热点讨论: 仓储运输业的竞争优势与发展方向(案例讨论) 12:00-13:00午餐 -17: 00

四.      如何管理存货与外协物流服务(动态存货控制5个案例)
How to control inventory and outsourcing
14.     从冰山现象到冰船现象
>From Iceberg to Ice-ship 
15.     库存与存货管理的困难
Key problem of stock and inventory
16.     客户服务认知与客户满意设定
Customer service and customer satisfaction 
17.     库存与存货管理的三个重点
Three key points of inventory management
18.     库存与存货管理的两个秘诀
Two secrecies  of  inventory management
19.     分类采购计划与滚动存货管理
ABC purchasing and rolling plan
20.     运输控制技术与在途存货管理
Controlling the inventory on way
21.     IT技术的应用与存货管理
Application of IT in inventory management
22.      长途D2D送货的JIT存货管理
D2D delivery under long distance and JIT
23.     多SKU仓库的库存计划与控制
Multi-SKU warehouse management
24.     从VMI到WWS的 动态存货与成本控制实务
>From VMI to WWS(without warehouse system)
25.     外协物流仓储与第三方物流服务的财务博奕
Outsourcing business and TPL service
学员热点讨论: 外协物流的成功与失败(案例讨论) 培训结束
 全球500强职业经理人专业证书)。即日起报名。可以为外地学员安排住宿. 开户行: 上海银行横浜桥支行账户: 316748-009027044  
公司名称:上海劳氏航贸公司, 联系人:郑小姐,吴小姐 报名咨询电话: 021 - 56714769, 请填好报名表格并传真至:021 - 36080533  
Email: address@hidden; 详情请见网页WWW.500net.com.cn 培训地点:上海市淮海中路381号中环广场38层香港复旦管理学院( 

主讲人介绍: 汤百安先生   ( JOHN TANG ), 中国首席物流科学家和高级物流培训督导, 财富500强中国物流经理俱乐部 CEO, Lloyd ' 
s Logistics Limited GM ,MBA/EMBA/Phd客座教授。汤先生近十五年在多家著名国际 500 强的制造企业如法国罗纳普朗克(中国) 
投资有限公司,  罗地亚 (中国 )投资有限公司 ,  美国施乐公司和第三方物流企业如  COSCO外轮代理公司 、英国英之杰 ( 中国 ) 
物流担任过高级物流总监和项目经理 。二十五年从事中国物流不同领域的实践 ,  诸如笫三方专业物流与分销网络 ,  企业供应链设计与物流战略规划 ,  
物流项目可行性研讨与营运管理 ; 内容涉及  FMCG 消费品如食品 ,  化妆品 ,纺织服装 ,  办公设备 ,  工业领域包括化工 ,  农药 ,  
医药等并在港口集装箱码头工艺设计、铁路 、综合运输 、仓储及全国网络优化模型设计以及从  Ex-work 到 DDU / DDP  
的国际物流等方面的第一手案例,有着丰富的理论和实际的经验 。每年为企业节约成本与费用几千万人民币 。汤先生七年专攻中国运输管理硕士学位, 历任管理协会会长, 
后在上海集装箱公司参与集装箱码头工艺设计, 在国际外贸学院与政法学院深造; 曾任职於上海海事法院法官与上海工程技术大学经济管理资深教师, 中华人民共和国
交通部首期全国国际集装箱经理专业教师, 在中国集装箱运输, 现代物流 / 供应链管理的教学, 
商务理论与实践方面拥有独到的见解与创新方法。其学生遍布各跨国公司, 第三方物流企业,及各高校,胜任总经理,高级经理与专业物流教授 ,业绩斐然. 
汤先生曾于1987年为国家交通部建立了中国集装箱运输网络规划体系, 其论文公开发表于中国科学院院刊, 并获交通部嘉奖; 
1993年首创著名的上海国际航运中心理论 ,其多年上百个物流项目成功案例与经验适用各跨国公司与第三方物流公司的中国物流实战紧迫需要 
。同时本系列课程为国内著名高校物流专业 MBA ,EMBA/DBA定制 , 适合企业CEO, 决策人士及物流高级人才的发展之需要 。

主办者:Lloyd ' s Logistics Limited英国商会会员, 成立于1994年, 主办财富500强中国物流经理俱乐部 , 
是最高水平的中国物流研究中心, 旨在建立中国物流的'黄埔军校',培养职业物流经理与新型的工商企业CEO.
 1. 现代供应链管理与中国物流系列培训与专题讲座:成员来自中欧管理学院毕业的MBA/EMBA学员, 
 2. Last Party of Logistics(LPL) 为工商企业与第三方  ,  第四方 ,  第五方物流公司提供专家咨询与督导 ,  谋划与辅导 
 3.委托代理操作管理, 接受短期管理委托,设计管理你的物流项目. 从计划到实施,以'做给你看'的方式立刻解决你的实际问题. 
完成目标后逐步归还业主.除一般委托服务以外, 提倡'no cure, no pay'无效果,无报酬的委托管理服务模式与第三方监督审计方式;
4.建立专业活动平台 ,  开展物流经理之间的经验交流活动及跨国公司之间的物流业务联系.

授讲方式:讲座、案例分析, 研讨、咨询; 
Location:Shanghai China, Fudan-Hongkang University

Main Contents: Practice and Case Study
1.      From Just in Trouble to Just in Time
2.      Up-dated Logistics and SCM in China
3.      How to control cost through balancing the inventory on way
4.      Logistics management against Iceberg and Bullwhip 
5.      How to confirm the customer's satisfaction through SCM 
6.      How to control Inventory afloat under an acceptable benchmarking in 
business competition
Basic information:
1.      From traditional warehousing and transportation management to modern SCM
2.      Updated development of Logistics/SCM/DCM 
3.      D2D Delivery under EX-Works, DDU, DDP
3.      Bonded Goods, Bonded Warehouse and Free Trade Zone for imp/exp cargo
4.      Customer Service and Efficient/Effective Appraisal with KPI
5.      SCOR on Benchmarking management
6.      SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) structure
7.      Streamline and coordinate Operation procedure and material processing
8.      RDC receiving/dispatching and domestic transportation network
9.      Wagon loading and unloading (or stuffing and un-stuffing) procedure
10.     Incident reporting and control procedure ('SARS' Logistics)
11.     GIGO & FIFO;Trade-off VS Trade-cross 
12.     IT networks (Web, EDI, XML, 3G, 3C, DRP, ERP and SCM)
13.     WMS (Warehouse Management System), VMI and Cross-Docking
14.     TMS (Transportation Management System) and CPFR/ECR
15.     Dynamic inventory control of container transportation under JIT
16.     Dynamic inventory control under CY without warehousing
17.     Delivery cargo system in advance of ordering under WWS
18.     Industrial distribution/consolidation VS commercial one
19.     Optimization of Storage and inventory on Enterprise SCM
20.     Customer Service and Efficiency/Benefits Appraisal
21.     KPI and Benchmarking management
22.     Cost, Price, Margin on negotiation
23.     RDC receiving/dispatching and transportation network
24.     Wagon loading and unloading (container stuffing and un-stuffing) 
25.     Incident reporting and control procedure
26.     Demurrage points and trans-shipping ways under cost trade-off
27.     How to control inventory and distribute goods afloat (Under nodes at 
rest and stages in motion) against Back Order of Stock-out or Stock-over
28.     Mix-WH, Mix-transshipment and Multiple-Modes
29.     Contingency Planning and continuous replenishment for fast moving
30.     Success and failure of traditional transportation and warehouse or 
outsourcing logistics cases
31.     Mix-modes delivery VS Multiple-modes delivery With ASN and POD
32.     Mix-modes of T&W Management System with VMI and CPFR 
33.     Containerized Inventory instead of warehousing Management

Organizer profile 
Lloyd's Logistics Limited, set up in 1994, one of BCC(British Commercial 
Chamber) in China offers you the professional service in China logistics such 
as training, coaching, consulting and exchanging. Our service will give you 
direct contribution of cost saving and marketing competition by means of ` NO 

Trainer Profile
Mr. John Tang
Master Lecturer of MBA & EMBA, a qualified professional in logistics training 
and a senior logistics director having 25 years logistics experience of MNC, is 
a noted figure in China Logistics Field. He has served as senior logistics 
director and project manager in various top 500 manufacturers such as Rhodia, 
RHONE-POULENC, XEROX, TPL such as COSCO, PENAVICO, Container Co. of Shanghai 
Harbor Bureau, Inchcape Logistics Greater CHINA. 

John has acquired his master degree in transportation management from Shanghai 
Maritime University, and he has also served in Shanghai Maritime Court, 
Shanghai Engineering and Technology University; consulting for World Bank and 
R.W law firm. Mr. Tang has unique opinions and views on China Container 
Transportation and Logistics Management education and field experience. His 
students are employed in international companies and third party logistics 
providers. He has set up the China Container Transportation Network Project in 
1987. And in 1993 he has created the concept of famous China Shipping 
Center(Shanghai). His dozens of successful logistics projects and field 
experience are suitable for the field requirement in various international MNC 
and logistics providers.

Over the past two decades, Mr. Tang has been involved in various logistics 
practices in China, such as third party professional logistics and distribution 
network, designing of enterprise supply chain and logistics strategy planning, 
project feasibility study and operation; dealing with FMCG such as food, 
cosmetics, also dealing with textile products, office equipment and facilities, 
chemicals, pesticides, and medicines. In the period, Mr. Tang has also acquired 
rich theory and field experience in port, railway, multi- model transportation, 
warehousing, as well as international logistics experience from Ex-work to 
DDU/DDP. He has managed to save the enterprises several tens of millions RMB in 
costs every year. 

Why this workshop
Saving cost is the key bottle in MNC & SCM. China shipping price has been 
increased year by year and domestic highway price is same in the limitation of 
Over-loading. The long distance of ocean let IT in vain。
In fact, 95% of the logistics managers in MNC have less professional background 
such as education, experience etc.; Also, most of famous MNC Logistics company 
had not good performance in the past ten years in China. 

We are glad to have seen that participates of our past seminars made great 
contribution to their own companies for million saving and also increase their 
annual packages. On the other side, our consulting service let some customers 
save several million US$ in China. 
Special Features   
◆ Excellent trainer are the key to successful training
◆ A combination of rich professional theory with practical experience
◆ Mastery of superb lecturing skill as well as rich career experience
◆ Case analysis & Sino-foreign field case study & on the spot consultation  
Who should attend:
CEO, GM of MNC, Logistics Mangers, Supply Chain and Purchasing Managers, 
Marketing and Sales Managers, Financial managers, GM and Development Managers 
of Third Party Logistics Providers  

How much you should pay 

◆     RMB6,800 per person paying

◆     RMB5,800 per person if two or more with the same organization paying 

How you can register 

Registration Form  
Attendee Name1______________ _Title_________________________________________   

Attendee Name2______________ _Title_________________________________________ 

Attendee Name3_______________ Title_________________________________________ 

Company: ________ ___________ _____________________________________ ________ 

Address: ________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ________ 

Fax:_____ ________ ___ ______  Email_________________________________________ 

Contact person_______ _______Title____________________ _______________  ______  

Tel __ ___ ________ ____ __ ___ Fax ___________________________  ______________ 

How you can contact us
For more info, please contact Ms. Zheng at 021-56714769,13918810395 or 
address@hidden After you have filled up the registration form, I really 
appreciate if you can fax it to our office  at 021-36080533.  We will confirm 
through email or call within 12 hours. 

Forward this letter to your friends
If you have no interest in this workshop but consider it maybe valuable to your 
friends, please forward this letter to him or her. 
If you do not want to receive such offers, please reply to us with topic of 
delete and we will delete your email within 12 hours. 
If you want to have an in-house training, coaching or consulting service, 
please contact us for business growth.
Welcome to join Top 500 China Logistics / Purchasing Managers Club  - China 
十拿化工Schenectady; 苏州紫兴 STORAENSO; 诺维信NOVOSYMS; 阿克苏诺贝尔AKZO NOBEL; 壳牌SHELL; 
玫琳凯MARY KAY; 惠氏WYETH; 万络物流MENLO; 贝尔 BELL; 阿尔卡特ALCATEL; 巴斯夫BASF; 
可口可乐COCA-COLA;百事可乐; 商船三井MOL; 科尔尼A.T.Kearney; 加德士CHEVRONTEXACO; 先正达SYNGENTA; 
上海通用广电SGEG; SCT货运; 罗门哈斯ROHMHAAS; 丹佛斯DANFOSS; 世纪联融Unicentury; 上海国际信托SITICO; 
阿托菲纳ATOFINA; 海斯特HYSTER; 陶士化工Dows; 彩路VOLVO; 卜内门ICI; 飞利浦PHILIPS;  上海通用汽车Shanghai 
General Motor; 通用电气GE; 汉高HENKEL; 德国默克MERCK; 中国海运CNSHIPPING; 意大利邮船LLOYD 
TRIESTINO; 国际纸业Inter. Paper; 格�m富GRUNDFOS; 中国石油PetroChina; 霍尼韦尔Honeywell; 
巴赫曼JHB; 百特Baxter; 美宝莲Maybelline; 华赛SAES; 科勒KOHLER; 波士顿科学Boston Scient
ific; 诺华NOVARTIS; 克虏伯普里斯坦Krupp-Presta; 贝塔斯曼Bertelsmann; 美国摩恩MOEN; 阿迪达斯ADIDAS; 
玛斯特Master Lock; 和成HCG; 卡夫KRAFT; 普莱克斯PRAXAIR; 德瑞皮化TFL; 上海家华Jahwa; 英国石油BP; 强生J&J; 
施马洋酒Seamart; 埃尔夫阿托ATO; 美国礼来Lilly; 耀华皮尔金顿YAOHUA PILKINGTON; 赛博SEB; 
力特奥维斯Littlelfuse; 埃尔夫阿托ELF-ATO; 艾默生EMERSON; 奎克Quaker; 万邦船务IMC

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