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From: Lloyd`s
Subject: logistics
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 03:56:07 +0800


Logistics & SCM/Purchasing Management for Fortune500 in China

主题: 降低中国物流/供应链成本的100种方法

Subject: 100 secrets of saving logistics/SCM cost in China

2005年9月起, RMB48,000


Certificate for professional manager of Fortune 500

一.  中国物流与供应链管理的基本问题

Key problems of China Logistics & SCM

(一)  如何管理工商企业的物流(5个案例)
How to manage industrial and commercial logistics

25 years’ development of China Enterprise logistics and Third Party Logistics 

Physical distribution network and trans-way under Economic & geographic 
condition of China

Basic problem via its solution of customer’ demands and social service

Basic problem of enterprise logistics with its core-competition

Important facts of SCM in China


Six kinds of SCM and different solution

Updated technologies of SCM and new application of TPL


(二)  中国交通地理与供应链管理(6个案例)

Communication, Geography and SCM in China

1.     需求链管理的主要理念与物流功能管理的最新变革

Up-dated of DCM (Demand Chain Management) and Logistics Function

2.     中国交通经济地理特色与中国物流市场的特点

Key Facts of Communication, Economy, Geography in China Logistics

3.     供应链管理的最新管理技术与方法

New technologies and methods of SCM

4.     仓储/运输在现代物流网络系统中的作用

Function of Warehousing and transportation in Modern logistics network of China

5.     传统仓储/运输业的出路

Outlet of traditional warehousing and transportation

6.     预测,计划与存货管理(仓储运输系统)

The management of forecasting, planning and inventory control (W/T)

7.     中国物流管理(成本与服务)的最新发展与管理重点

Important points of China Logistics Management (Cost & Service )

8.     供应链管理的责任职能(权力,义务),手续(流程,单证)与成本

Function (right & responsibility) , documents, procedure & policy and cost 
control in SCM

9.     中国工商企业物流的基本问题

Key problems of enterprise logistics in China

10. 中国革命成功的途径与中国物流管理成功的方向

11. 物流成本管理与供应链财务分析的方法

Various ways of logistics cost control and financial analysis through SCM



(三) 中国物流业的十大挑战

1.     知识经济(新技术革命4T)与中国物流

Knowledge economy VS China Logistics

2.     经济全球化与中国物流

Global Economy VS China Logistics

3.     中国物流市场的供求关系

Supply and Demand relationship in China Logistics Market

4.     物流网络经营管理 (供应链成本与服务)

Operation Management of Logistics Network (SCM Cost & Service)

5.     物流工艺设计, 信息/通讯/系统管理

Planning of Logistics Process, Management of DATA & Communication System

6.     物流投资技术经济分析与财务决策(成本,利润与股东价值)

Economic Analysis and Financial Decision of Logistics Investment (Cost, Profit 
and Boss Value)

7.     物流人力资源的规划与应用

Planning & Application of Logistics Human Resources

8.     物流组织在现代企业战略变革中的作用

Updated Action of Logistics Organization in the Modern Enterprise Strategy

9.     工商物流与第三方物流

Enterprise Logistics VS Third Party Logistics

10. 电子商务与现代物流

E-business VS Modern Logistics



二.  货物包装,仓库, 堆场与配送中心管理(10个案例)

Management of Package, Warehousing, Container-Yard and Distribution Center


Up-dated package of sorted cargo VS warehouse storage & transportation


Cargo maintenance in warehousing and on transportation


Cargo ratio of CBM/TON and stowage 


Handling, Loading/unloading of Cargo storage


New Package of D2D cost controlling 


Cargo moving with equipment processing system


Selection of cargo handling, moving in warehouse


Evaluation and selection of equipment and procession in warehouse


Tax benefits VS logistics strategy

10.   不同折旧方法的合理避税路径

Reasonable Tax Policy with depreciation way in logistics analysis

11.   税收优惠与快速折旧

Preferential tax revenue & depreciation on logistics project

12.   设备的折旧,更新与融资渠道的综合财务抉择

Consolidate financial decision of depreciation, renewal of equipment and funds 

13.   经营性租赁与金融性租赁的物流管理抉择

Rental business of logistics management

14.   经典仓库/运输的基本原理与实用途径

Basic principal and methods of original warehousing and transportation

15.   传统仓储运输的基本技术经济特点

Main ideas of traditional warehousing and transportation in China

16.   中国仓库/运输的结构与特点

Special facts of Chinese warehousing and transportation

17.   中美仓储成本结构的差异与管理重点

Difference of warehousing cost between China and USA and their key points

18.   工业仓库, 商业仓库,公共仓库的功能差异与营运特点

Industrial warehouse, Commercial warehouse and Public warehouse

19.   不同功能仓库/堆场的最新发展与应用拓展

Un-dated application of warehousing and Container Yards

20.   不同的仓库类型, 仓库的平面布局与立体结构最优化设计

Optimized planning of warehouse, layout 

21.   库存量合理性与客户服务水准

Reasonable Storage and Customer Service

22.   库存量合理性与仓库管理的不同策略

Policy and procedure of warehouse

23.   定期盘点与定位盘点的应用; 

Checking inventory and taking stock

24.   库存管理与理货规则

Talley and in/out management

25.   提高库存管理准确性的方法

Improvement of inventory correction

26.   提高出库及时性的措施

Outlet speed and loading cargo in time

27.   提高仓库库房储存能力,利用率及作业效率的各种途径

Higher capacity of stocking, handling, loading and unloading

28.   自有仓库与租赁仓储的多种选择

Different selection of warehousing operation

29.   混合仓库储存策略与成本控制方法

Cost control of warehousing management and operation

30.   无仓库物流运作系统,途径与Cross-Docking的扩展应用

Without-warehouse-system with Cross-Docking methods

31.   集装箱与堆场存储,CY/CFS与货物存储方式创新

Containerization and its inventory 

32.   仓储SOP的流程与主要内容(6Sigma)

Standard operation procedure with 6Sigma of Warehousing

33.   仓储成本结构分析与降低仓储成本的不同途径(降低货架-叉车-储存系统成本的方法)

Cost structure of Shelves-forklift system in operation

34.   配送中心运作模式(配货、配车)与配送中心业务流程(Cross-Docking)

Business Flow Chart and operation procedure of Distribution center 

35.   国际仓储策略与配送中心管理

The management of International warehousing and distribution

36.   仓储作业的加工,组装与增值活动

Processing and Value service activities in warehousing

37.   保税仓库的管理方法

Operational management of Bonded warehousing

38.   WMS仓库管理系统(手工作业与计算机作业)与CPFR

Warehouse Management System and CPFR

39.   仓储客户服务(收货,发货与管货)与经济效益评估

Warehousing service and financial result

40.   仓库数量,网络布点与选址要点

Warehouse planning and network

41.   VMI,Cross-Dock,WWS,CPFR的综合策略与限制条件

The application of Vender management inventory, Cross-Dock, WWS and CPFR

42.   仓储管理的供应链经济分析与财务管理

Financial analysis of warehouse management in SCM

讨论:基本物流储运服务需求认知; 集装箱-堆场(无仓库储运)系统讨论

三.  运输配送网络的规划,管理与控制(15个案例)


Development of China Transportation and important aspects of technology and 


Comparing cost of various transportations


Highway transportation


Railway transportation


Waterway transportation


Air transportation


The technical structure of International transportation


Updated transportation network of China transportation


The practices of international marine transportation

10.   国际航空货物运输实务

The practices of International Cargo Aviation

11.   国际货物多式联合运输与国际物流

Multi-mode transportation and international logistics

12.   中美运输成本结构的差异与管理重点

Different aspects between cost of China and USA

13.  运输线路的选择与最佳运输线路规划(图论-线权与数学规划)

Optimized planning of transportation selection

14.  最优化运输成本组合的决策方法

Optimized cost of transport combination

15.  快件运输的不同方式; 

Fast-expressing way

16.  整车托运与零担托运D2D抉择

D2D delivery of FTL and LTL

17.  铁路D2D运输与交货; 

D2D delivery of Railway transportation

18.  水路D2D运输与交货

D2D delivery of Water transportation

19.  混合运输方式的综合分析

Systematic analysis of Mix-transportation

20.  应急物流配送与‘非典物流’

Emergency logistics with SARS

21.  第三方IT公共服务平台与软件支持

ASP under public IT service for TPL

22.  TMS运输管理系统的基本内容

Transportation Management System

23.  标准营运作业流程(SOP)

Standard Operation Procedure of transportation

24.   工业配送与商业配送

Industrial distribution and commercial one

25.   工业集运式供应系统与商业集运式供应系统

Industrial consolidation and commercial one

26.   逆向物流与共同配送

Returned logistics and common distribution

27.   工商业物流的最新发展及动态存货控制技艺 ( D2D件杂货案例研讨 )

Updated development of dynamic inventory control

28.   中国物流配送模型I号-工商一体化的FMCG全国物流网络配送系统(案例研讨至350城市)

New distribution network of China to 350 cities

29.   最新转运与配送网络的综合方式

New transshipment of distribution network                   

30.   运输管理的供应链经济分析与财务管理

Financial management of transportation in SCM

讨论: 国内运输市场的变化与应变对策;



The Practices and Rules of International Trade


International Trade Practices

1,          国际商品销售与采购

Selling and Purchasing of International Goods

2,          国际商品的品质,数量与包装的选择

Quality, Quantity and Package of International Goods

3,          价格,交货与单证

Price, Delivery and Documents

4,          货物的保险与货损货差的理赔,索赔,仲裁, 诉讼

Claim, Conciliation, Arbitration, Litigation

5,          货款的汇付,托收与信用证结算

Remittance, Collection and Letter of Credit

6,          商品的合同检验与法定检验

Checking and Inspection of Commodity

7,          备货,开征,装运与制单结汇

Getting goods ready, Opening L/C, Shipping & Delivery, Making Documents


International Rules of Cargo Transportation

a)       国际货运的主要法规与关联结构

Main Rules of Law and relation

b)      国际惯例的法律地位与应用

Application and action of International Practices

c)       联合国国际货物销售合同公约

International Selling contracts of law

d)      跟单信用证统一惯例(UCP500)

Documented L/C of UCP500

e)       国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERM2000)

Application of INCOTERNS 2000 on International Logistics

f)        国际海运危险货物规则

International Marine Transportation Rules of Dangerous Cargo

g)       海牙规则,维斯比规则,汉堡规则,海牙议定书

Shipping rules of cargo

h)       华沙公约,国际公路货物运输合同公约,铁路货物运输国际公约

International Rules of cargo transportation on air, highway and railway

i)         中国人保与伦敦保赔协会条款

Insurance regulation used in logistics

j)         中华人民共和国海关法,进出口关税条例,保税区海关监管办法,海关稽查条例,海关关于转关货物监管办法

Customs regulation and rules of bonded cargo



五. 国际货运理论与实践

Procedure and practices of International cargo transportation


International Practices of Marine transportation of cargo

1、              班轮货物运输的概念

Basic concept of Liner transportation

2、              班轮货物运输规则

Transportation rules of Liner

3、              集装箱班轮运输流程

Procedure and Documents of container transportation

4、              班轮提单

Liner B/L and freight rate


1、              不定期船运输的概念

2、              不定期船货运租船程序

3、              航次租船合同主要条款


1、              班轮运价与运费

2、              运费计算

3、              航次租船费率估算


International Practices of Air transportation of cargo

1、              班机运输基本概念

2、              班机货运流程

3、              包板业务

4、              航空货运单

Delivery Notice of Airway Bill

5、              航空货物运价与运费

Air Freight rate and transportation fee


1、              公路货物运输

Highway transportation of Cargo

2、              铁路货物运输

Railway transportation of Cargo 


International combined transportation of container

2、              有关集装箱运输概念

Basic concept of containerization

3、              国际多式联运程序

Procedure and documents of Multi-modes transportation

4、              国际多式联运单证

















四、无船承运人提单、运单 (重点)





五、无船承运人的法律地位和无船承运业务的相关案例 (重点)











六.    生产,采购,库存/存货管理与客户物流服务的全面质量管理(10个案例)

Production, Purchasing, Inventory management with Customer Service of TQM


Difficulty of traditional inventory theory


Quantity ananlysis of Customer Service


Inventory control VS Order management


Up-dated inventory theory and practice

5.库存/存货管理的重要性与分类对策  客户服务与成本

Sorted inventory management of ABC


Inventory of Pull and Push 

7.静态库存管理与随机库存管理  库存管理与定单管理

Average inventory and stock at ambiguous random 


0-stocking of JIT with dynamic control


Control inventory afloat on way

10.   MRP, MPS, DRP与SCM存货管理方法

11.   无仓库物流存货管理系统与实践(WWS存货管理)

without Warehouse System

12.   先发货后订单的JIT交货系统管理与实践   交货与收款

Dispatching cargo before order under JIT

13.   前置式仓储存货管理与后置式堆场存货管理

Ship’ hold and Container Yards

14.   采购的供应商管理

Purchasing management of SCM

15.            采购部门的组建与部门地位

Function of Purchasing

16.            采购技术基础&采购技术应用

Technology and application of Purchasing

17.            供应链管理模式下的物流与采购

Purchasing action under SCM

18.            采购的战略与策略

Strategy, procedure and policy of Purchasing

19.            竞价采购

Purchasing through bidding and tendering 

20.            采购与库存

Inventory management of purchasing business

21.            采购与存货的财务分析

Financial analysis of purchasing and inventory

22.            供应商管理

Suppliers Relationship Management

23. 采购的稽查考核

24.  MRP, MPS, DRP   生产计划与物料供应

Purchasing control of MRP, MPS & DRP

25.   企业SCORE与外协物流的支持

SCOR and outsourcing business

26.   基本客户服务与绩效评估( KPI )

KPI and customer service

27.   高级客户服务与效益评估(SCOR)

SCOR and customer service 

28.  供应链管理的全面质量管理(KPI的高级分析与实践)与6西格玛

TQM of 6Sigma in SCM

热点讨论: 传统仓储运输业的竞争优势与发展方向; 存货物管理的成功与失败(案例讨论)


七.  现代供应链管理与中国第三方物流服务(6个案例) English Version in the Following
1.     中国物流服务市场15年的发展沿革               
2.     第三方物流服务的最新发展
3.     中国物流服务市场需求与供应
4.     中国物流服务市场的基本矛盾   




10.合同物流的策划与标杆设定 (竞争水准)Benchmarking








1.     真假外协物流的辨别与利弊

2.     外协物流的误区与黑色物流

3.     外协物流的招标与投标(谈判,磋商,协议与反思)

4.     外协物流的标书(招标与投标)分析(案例)

5.     外协物流的三方合作与成本分析

6.     外协物流的不同报价与定价方法

7.     第三方物流服务的财务分析与决策

8.     合同物流管理的成功真谛与失败教训( 案例 )

9.     外协物流的招标与投标 (案例)

10. 合同物流管理的成功与失败(案例分析)



八.    中国国际物流管理(15个案例)

International management of China logistics


International forwarding and International logistics

1.     降低企业的进出口物流成本的贸易方式与物流对策

Trading Strategy and Practice of Reducing logistics cost of international goods

1)     中国国际进出口需求链网络管理的最新发展与未来趋势

Up-dated development on international DCM

2)  国际物流的主要内容与特色(成本比较学说与现代物流;P2P到W2W的三种模式)

Main contents of International Logistics From Port to Port VS From warehouse to 

3)  中国进出口物流的特点与国际网络管理重点

Key points of International Logistics in China


Up-dated situation of International Logistics and transportation

国际运输合同主要内容与 (进)出口货运的主要流程与单证

Procedure and Documents of International Transportation


China Geography and International Communication- transportation route



Tariff and Index of container trans-price


Basic facts of international freight rate


Different Cost of international logistics



Form delivery of loading port to Door delivery

4)     WTO与CEPA条件下的中国国际物流的挑战与机遇

Challenge and Opportunity of China logistics under WTO & CEPA

5)     中国国际水运/铁路/航空/国际联运与传统国际货运服务

6)     International Transportation and International Forwarding service

7)     客户需求与市场竞争从国际货运到国际物流发展的转型

>From International transportation to International logistics

8)     国际贸易四个合同的结构与物流的关联与互动

Four contracts of International trading

9)     国际买卖合同的基本条款与国际物流内涵之间的协同关系

Main contents of international selling contract and  its relationship with 
International Logistics


E-Payment & E-Business under international logistics


Application of international rules and law on logistics



2.     降低企业的进出口物流成本的价格条款与物流交货策略

Price term and delivery condition of reducing logistics cost of international 

1) ICC-INCOTERMS的特点与国际物流


Application of ICC-INCOTERMS on International Logistics

2) 4-13术语的Obligation (Cost,risk & formalities)& Transport Mode

Rights and Obligation of Price terms 

3) 价格条款及其惯例与术语变形的应用与争议

Practices and its application of Incoterms

4) INCOTERMS 2000 下的国际物流(Fterms-Eterms; Cterms-Dterms)

International Logistics under INCOTERMS 2000


Ten types of operation risk in international logistics


The management of risk on logistics

7) 现代物流的服务模式与贸易价格条款选择(FCA,CPT,CIP)

Logistics Service Mode VS Trading Price Term

8) 国际贸易价格条款与各种国际物流运输方式选择,国际物流交货方式考量

Trading term, transportation and cargo delivery


Cargo delivery under international logistics


Bonded Cargo and Supervised Goods of International Logistics


Customs Clearance in China

12) 保税运输与海关监管

Bonded Transportation and Customs Supervising 

13) 运输保险,索赔与理赔

Transportation Insurance and Claim

学员热点讨论: 国际仓储运输业的竞争与发展方向(案例讨论)

3.     降低企业的进出口物流成本最新策略与运作方法-既定服务水平下的最低成本

Ways and Methods of Reducing logistics Cost of International Goods

1)          随机市场需求与随机提前期下国际定期/定量存货管理模式的困惑与出路

Inventory Control of International Goods under statistics random of market

2)  国际物流配送的五种方式(from P2P to D2D) 

Five kinds of international distribution

3)  国际物流的十大优化策略(秘诀)

Ten Secrets of Reducing cost on international logistics

4)    企业国际物流比较优势,竞争策略与博弈决策


      Compared Superiority (Merits), competition strategy and gambling decision


5)滞留点与存货决策点选择-FCL&THC; LCL&0-Freight

Demurrage Points VS Inventory Decision points


Spots inventory methods



Nine kinds of container goods delivery 


Bonded area, bonded warehouse and supervised  warehouse


Transship ports and distribution center of destination ports


Rental and assignment of warehousing management


6)P2P与D2D 线性优化(成本计划与控制)W2W,S2S,P2S (Eterms & Dterms);

Cost control of Optimization Planning


Cost and service of Logistics procession

‘1448黄金配送’ 航线运价下的选卸港与更改目的港;

Golden Delivery of selecting unloading ports and renewal ones


Inventory strategy of CY or ship’s hold


Order before cargo dispatching or after cargo dispatching


Mixed transportation strategy



Cost analysis and control of Logistics processing optimization

8) Hague-Visby, Hamburg B/L与Multimode B/L的国际物流

9) W2W-VMI-JIT-WWS国际物流储运系统(集装箱-堆场系统,在途存货系统);S2S&P2S-CPFR


Consolidation and Distribution under Mix-modes transportation

11)中国企业与物流服务的国际物流实务综合 随机存货管理与控制 运输方式的综合运用策略

Inventory management under logistics service and at statistics random

12)国际配送与运作to nRDC面

International Distribution to n x RDC


Direct B/L VS Transshipment B/L


Up-dated distribution ways


Imported distribution strategy of Multi-RDC


Dynamic decision of delay delivery, cargo processing, delivery before order


International management of distribution and consolidation

14)Multi-RDC Optional Ports (选择卸货港口)与国际物流多点配送(国际销售)


Dynamic inventory control of international purchasing and selling


Case study of Reducing cost and improving service

学员热点讨论: 国际外协物流的成功与失败(案例讨论)

九.    成本控制与降低成本的方法(5个案例)
Cost control and ways of reducing cost

1.        中国物流成本的特点与变动趋势(东西方物流成本的差异)

Basic facts and trends of China logistics cost

2.        中国物流管理(成本与服务)的最新发展与管理重点

Up-dated cost and service of China logistics management

3.        物流成本的定量分析与灰色系统理论

Quantity analysis of logistics cost and ambiguous cost system

4.        供应链全面服务质量管理的定量化过程与表达方法

Quantity TQM of SCM

3、  降低营运环节成本的方法(无仓库的第三方物流存货管理系统)

Reducing operation cost through TPL

4、  外协物流费用的冰山现象与冰船现象

Iceberg cost and outsourcing business

5、  绩效管理的策划,分析与实施(KPI&SCOR的建立与考核)

Efficient and effective management of KPI and SCOR

6、  库存,存货与定单(计划)的动态管理

Dynamic control of stock, inventory and order

7、  物流成本系统的数学最优化应用

Application of Mathematical optimization

8、  控制系统成本的方法(运输,仓储,包装,存货D2D综合管理案例研讨  LIQUID CARGO  )

Controlling Systematic cost of SCM

9、  资金的时间价值与复利计算; 间断收支的复利关系;复利系数及其物流运用

Financial analysis of long-term investment on logistics project

10、          费用性指标,盈利性指标与投资能力性指标

Index of cost, profit and ROI

11、          同一项目的互斥方案决策分析; 同一项目方案的增量分析

Value-added analysis of Multi-projects

12、          效益-费用分析方法; 增额效益-费用分析方法

Cost-profit analysis and Cost-service analysis

13、          多种互斥方案的增额效益-费用分析方法

Synthetic planning of financial results




十.  物流的高级财务分析与投资应用决策(trade-off & trade-cross)多因素综合分析方法与层次结构决策(15个案例)

1.     财务报表的基本结构与供应链经济管理的特点

Basic structure of financial statement with SCM 

2.     供应链财务分析的特点与意义

Important facts of SCM financial analysis

3.     物流成本与企业投资效益-损益表 

Logistics cost and Income Statement

4.     企业供应链资金的流转-现金流量表

SCM VS Statement of Cash Flows

5.     流动资产与流动负债-应收款,应付款,库存与存货

The management of Current assets VS current liabilities �C trade accounts 
payable and receivable, stock and inventory

6.     发货,收货与供应链资金管理

Delivery and acceptance of SCM funds management

7.     物流长期资产的管理-投资,折旧,更新与租赁

Investment, depreciation, renewal and rental of long-term assets on logistics

8.     长期负债与所有者权益的物流管理考量-资产负责表 

Logistics management with Long-term liabilities and boss share of Balance sheet 

9.     利润与股东价值-收入,成本、费用,税金及资产,负债,所有者权益

Profit and boss value- income, cost, tax and assets, liabilities

10.  成本的模拟与仿真分析

Cost simulation and analysis

11.  存货管理的灰色系统;

Grey system of inventory management

12.  成本多目标规划的敏感性分析;

Multi-facts of cost planning

13.  需求链全面质量管理(6西格玛)的黑箱理论;

TQM with 6Sigma for DCM (Demand Chain Management)

14.  虚拟物流配送网络的最优化与财务报表分析;

Virtual distribution network of financial optimization analysis 

15.  动态订单供应与存货控制; 

Dynamic order and inventory management

16.  资金的时间价值与常用的经济指标;

Time-capital value and economic index

17.  成本分析的X-Y层次方法, 主要影响因数,非影响因数与限制条件;

X-Y cost analysis of logistics facts and limitation

18.  混合仓储策略;

Mixed warehousing strategy

19.  综合储运策略;

combined transportation

20.   定制产品的D2D物流工艺(储运/存货)财务分析;

D2D delivery processing and financial analysis of ordered products

21.  投资/租赁/外包的储运项目财务解析与决策;

Financial analysis and decision of Investment, rental and outsourcing Project

22.  物流项目的效益-费用分析;

Cost-profit of logistics project

23.  通用产品配送网络成本分析与优化;

Cost optimization of common products in distribution network

24.  采购-存货财务与经济分析;

Financial analysis of Purchasing-inventory strategy

25.  折旧-所得税财务分析;

Financial analysis of depreciation and income tax

26.  长期多投资物流方案决策;

Logistics planning of long-term investment

27.  企业外协物流的财务决策;

Financial decision of outsourcing business

28.  精确物流(JIT供应链&敏捷物流)的财务报表分析与决策模型II号;

Financial Decision Mode-II of SCM under JIT

29.  供应链的现金流价值工程分析;

Cash flow analysis of SCM with value engineering 

30.  成本与利润的时间价值;

Time-value of cost and profit in logistics

31.  物流工程经济分析方法;

Engineering economy of logistics

32.  物流/供应链管理与企业的股东价值(权益);

Logistics and SCM with boss share

33.  供应链财务分析与经济决策的多因素综合储运存储系统(案例)

Financial system of warehousing and transportation

34.  供应链合作三方之间的财务报表关系. 

The relationship of SCM Buyer, Seller and TPL on Financial Statement


即日起限额报名,额满即止。. 开户行: 上海银行横浜桥支行账户: 316748-009027044  

公司名称:上海劳氏航贸公司, 上海市海伦路555号国贸花园D座404室   邮编: 200080  

联系人:郑小姐,吴小姐 报名咨询电话: 021 - 56714769, 13918810395; 传真至:021 �C 36080533  Email: 
address@hidden; 详情请见网页WWW.500net.com.cn 



Fortune 500 logistics/purchasing manager seminar in China for CEIBS, AmCham, 
Organizer: Lloyd’s Logistics Limited (British Business Chamber)

SUBJECT:  Saving Cost of Logistics and SCM in China


Oct. 22

1.     How to manage the Enterprise Logistics and Save cost in China

1)    25 years development of Logistics and TPL in China

2)    Communication and distribution of China

3)    Basic relationship of Demands and Supply on logistics service

4)    Important problem of logistics management in China and Key competition

5)    Six types of SCM in China

6)    Updated technology and development of SCM and TPL

7)    Important Facts of logistics cost in China

8)    Mixed strategy of Warehousing and Transportation

9)    How to apply JIT, MRP and DRP under SCM

10)     From VMI to WWS (without warehouse system) on inventory management and 
cost control

11) Iceberg of TPL service and outsourcing

12) Win-Win-Win solution of outsourcing

13) Case study of D2D without house and WMI

Oct. 23

2.     How to increase your logistics competition

1)    From traditional warehousing and transportation management to modern SCM 

2)    TQM of SCM and advanced KPI

3)    Logistics project planning and Benchmarking

4)    Multiple choices of cost and service

5)    Application of New Technology of 4T(AT, BT, MT&IT)

6)    Virtual logistics under ERP, SCM & WEB

7)    Post-order delivery system

8)    RDC and Cross-docking with container transportation

9)    From Factory to whole China under inventory management of three stages

10) How to select the RDC or depot

11) From RDC to your customers under order and inventory

12) Case study from Multi-factory to 350 cities in China

Oct. 24

3.     How to optimize your logistics network and TPL 

1)    From CDC to RDC with total cost (From FOB, CIF, C&F to EX-Works, DDU, DDP)

2)    Delivery cargo system without ordering

3)    Dynamic inventory control without warehousing under JIT

4)    Industrial distribution VS commercial distribution

5)    Select the TPL service 

6)    Enterprise SCM and Third party logistics providers

7)    Tendering and Bidding of outsourcing business

8)    Logistics Quotation (Implementation Plan and Price Quotation) and 

9)    Success and failure of outsourcing logistics cases

10) SOP of policy and procedure

11) Three kinds of prices and financial analysis for outsourcing

12) Economic analysis and financial decision on outsourcing service (Balance 
Sheet, Income Statement & Statement of Cash Flows)

Case study   

Cost Control and Cost Saving through International Planning and Cooperation 

◆  Costs Forms-Cost Standards/Forecast of Costs/ Industry Costs; 
Direct/Indirect costs; System Costs/Stage Costs/Point Costs of International 

◆ Cost Saving Methods-Usage of International Transportation; Decreasing of 
Operation Linkage; Improvement on Storage and Warehousing Methods; 
Synchronizing of 
logistics functions & TPL; Development of public logistics service

◆  New inventory methods without warehouse or order in advance

◆     International logistics via international transportation 

◆     Logistics Financial Analysis of International SCM

◆ Dry Container Goods Sino-US/EU D2D Delivery Road/Sea/Import and Export 

◆ Liquid Goods Import Sino-Indonesia DDU Delivery, Storage and     


◆ Piece and parcel goods International &Domestics Distribution   
Shanghai/Guangdong Depot

◆ Industrial and Commercial network of international distribution (Multi-Match 
RDS) to whole China



SUBJECT:  Saving Cost of Logistics and SCM in China

Main Contents: Practice and Case Study

4.     25 years' China Logistics Management

5.     Up-dated Logistics and SCM in China

6.     New Demand Chain Management of China

7.     Up-dated International Imp.& Exp. Transportation in China

8.     Optimization of Enterprise Logistics Management IN international business

9.     How to manage Third Party Logistics service in International SCM

10.    Up-dated outsourcing logistics & TPL in China

11.    How to save cost through Supply Chain Management in China

12.    How to control Inventory under an acceptable benchmarking of service 

13.    How to control Inventory afloat under a competitive benchmarking in 
business competition

14.    How to improve the customer’s satisfaction through SCM

15.    How to save cost under TQM with 6 Sigma through China Demand Chain 

16.    How to control cost through balancing the inventory on way

17.    How to control the TPL service in China

18.    Financial analysis on updated logistics

20.    How to Increase Boss’s Benefits through Financial Statement and Economic 
Analysis of SCM


Other Basic information:

Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management Means

1.      Four Phases of Modern Management

2.      Three Phases of modern logistics development

3.      Supply Chain Structure Development

4.      Four Fundamental Functioning Departments in Enterprise management

5.      Three Stratum of Modern Logistics Management

6.      Development of MNC Logistics organization structure in China

7.      Logistics Human Resource Exploitation and Rationalization of Knowledge 

8.      Information, communication, network, E-commerce and supply chain 

9.      Logistics subjects and objects

11.     Supply Chain Management Methodology and methods


Supply and Demand relationship in China logistics market 

China Transportation Market and Services

2.                 From traditional warehousing and transportation management 
to modern SCM

3.                 Updated development of Logistics/SCM/DCM

4.                 4T advanced technologies VS Modern Logistics

5.                 SCM competition and Strategic Logistics Management in China

6.                 Human Resources and Re-organization of Enterprise and TPL

7.                 Functional synchronization of logistics procedure

8.                 Streamline and coordinate Operation procedure and material 

9.                 Industrial distribution/consolidation VS commercial one

10.             Updated development of SCM (‘SARS’ & Emergency Logistics)

11.             Incident reporting and control procedure

12.             Improvement of co-operation and decision

13.             Customer Service KPI and Efficiency/Benefits Appraisal

14.             KPI and Benchmarking management

15.             TQM with 6 Sigma 

16.             SCOR on Benchmarking management

17.             Incident reporting and control procedure (‘SARS’ Logistics)

18.             HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) procedure with TPL

19.             Opportunities under WTO & CEPA


Modern Warehousing and Transportation Management

1.      Warehousing function development

2.      Warehousing numbers, network options selection of options

3.      Warehousing styles and structures

4.              Storage technology and handling equipment

5.              WMS(Warehouse Management System), VMI and Cross-Docking

6.              Warehousing Flow Process

7.              Wagon loading and unloading (container stuffing and 
un-stuffing) procedure

8.              FIFO & GIGO; RF & RFID, 3C

9.              Roll-on-roll-off, Lift-on-lift-off, Float-on-float-off

10.           Dynamic Inventory Control without warehousing

11.          Road transportation network and regional services

12.          Rail way transportation development and D2D serves

13.          Water way transportation and through serves

14.          Express serves and airway transportation

15.          TMS (Transportation Management System) and CPFR/ECR

16.          MIS, TMS, WMS, 

17.          IT networks (Web, EDI, XML, 3G, 3C)

18.          SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) structure

19.          Policy and manuals of SOP

20.          Operation procedure and manuals

21.          RDC receiving/dispatching and domestic transportation network

22.          Mix-WH, Mix-transshipment and Multiple-Modes

23.          Mix-modes delivery VS Multiple-modes delivery With ASN and POD


Production planning, Purchasing and Inventory control

1.             Optimization of Production Planning and Purchasing

2.             Optimization of Storage and inventory on Enterprise SCM

3.             Streamline and coordinate Operation procedure and material 

4.             MRPII, ERP, DRP, SCM, CRM, SRM, APS,

5.             ABC, EOQ, JIT, MIS, MRP, MRP-III,

6.             Dynamic inventory control of container transportation under JIT

7.             Dynamic inventory control under CY without warehousing

8.             Delivery cargo system in advance of ordering under WWS

9.             Dynamic inventory control without warehousing under JIT

10.         Dynamic inventory control of container-CY without warehousing under 

11.         Delivery cargo system without ordering

12.         Delivery cargo system of setting up Order before or after 
Dispatching Cargo 

13.         Delivery cargo system in advance of ordering under WWS

14.         How to control inventory and distribute goods afloat (Under nodes 
at rest and stages in motion) against Back Order of Stock-out or Stock-over

15.        Contingency Planning and continuous replenishment for fast moving

16.         Mix-modes of T&W Management System with VWI and CPFR

17.        Containerized Inventory instead of warehousing Management


Ho to save cost through International Logistics

1.             Four basic contracts (Sales, Payment, Insurance and Transport) 
relating to International SCM

2.             Competitive strategy of International Logistics against 
Competitor under Benchmarking

3.             From FOB, CFR, CIF to FCA, CPT, CIT under INCOTERS 2000

4.             L/C, B/L, Waybill, Consignment Note, Delivery Order, M-B/L & 
H-B/L etc.

5.             IT networks(Web, EDI, XML,3G, 3C, DRP, ERP and SCM) with 
E-Business & E-B/L

6.             LDI under International E-business and E-B/L

7.             Using Eterms & Dterms in stead of  Fterms & Cterms with UCP 500

8.             From FOB, CIF, C&F to EX-Works, DDU, DDP

9.             D2D Delivery under EX-Works, DDU, DDP

10.        From P2P to D2D; From W2W to S(CY&CFS)2S, or P2S of DCM and LDP

11.        Bonded Goods and Free Trade Zone for imp/exp cargo

12.        Supervised & Bonded Warehouse, Updated Free Trade Zone(SH) in China

13.        Consolidations and De-consolidation

14.        Door-to-Door Service of International Logistics

15.        RDC receiving/dispatching and transportation network in 
international distribution

16.        Selection and management of Shipping freight, Shipping Date, 
Transship port, Basic Port

17.        Demurrage points and trans-shipping ways under cost trade-off

18.        International Transportation VS Domestic Distribution and 

19.        International nRDC Cross-Docking planning and operation under lower 
inventory level and less cost

20.        International JIT under VMI

21.        Inventory control afloat in international transportation

22.        Contracts of Imp/Exp. Cargo VS International Logistics Transportation

23.        Updated development of China imp. & Exp. Liner Transportation

24.        Import and Export Freight Cost in main lines of China

25.        Door, CY & CFS delivery vs. FCL & LCL under container liner

26.        International Logistics Under Law, Rules, Regulation and Convention 
(Hague-Visby etc.)

27.        International risk control under relative laws, underwriter and 
financial rules 

28.        Aviation and marine procedure and documents in China international 

29.        1448 strategy of Container storage and Optional-Transship inventory 

30.        Multi-modes transport between Euros. / USA and China Under Land 
Bridge, Micro-Land Bridge, Mini-land Bridge against FAK

31.        Mix-modes Sino-Japan D2D delivery


Outsourcing and TPL service in China

32.          Enterprise SCM and Third party logistics providers

33.          SCM Standardization VS Logistics Service

34.          From Iceberg to Ice-ship gambling game on outsourcing business

35.          Win-Win-Win strategy of cooperation and decision

36.          Win-Win-Win cooperation and decision of benefit-cost ratio

37.          Outsourcing and Subcontracting service to TPL or Traditional Party

38.          Selection and management of third party logistics service

39.          Cost, Price, Margin on negotiation

40.          Success and failure of outsourcing logistics cases (To be or not 
to be)

41.          Success and failure of traditional transportation and warehouse or 
outsourcing logistics cases

42.          Logistics Quotation (Implementation Plan and Price Quotation) and 

43.          Tendering and Bidding of outsourcing business in domestic 
Logistics Service

44.          Tendering and Bidding of outsourcing business in international 

45.          No-cure, No-pay added service of fourth logistics service

46.          Subcontracting service of TPL

47.          Selection of International freighter, TPL and Shipping Liner

48.          Subcontracting service and combination of international 


Optimization of Enterprise Logistics Management IN CHINA

1.             Classification of logistics items

2.             Basic Principles in Designing Enterprise Logistics projects

3.             Targets for Logistics Project Designing and Optimization

4.             Methodology for Logistics Projects Optimization

5.             Economics Demonstration on Logistics Technology

6.             Project Optimization Steps

7.             Selection of Logistics project Subcontracting

8.             Trade-Off  by Cost control and cost saving through balancing the 
inventory on way

9.             Different cost structure, format and contents with ABC analysis 
20% VS 80%

10.         Different price form, format and contents

11.         Saving cost of 10% VS 90% strategy 

12.         Success and failure of logistics cases in China

13.         Indexes of NPV, AAB, AAC, IRR & ERR

14.         Engineering Economics of SCM

15.         Trade-off VS Trade-cross

16.         Cost control, financial statements and Economic analysis on 
outsourcing service (Balance Sheet, Income Statement & Statement of Cash Flows)

17.         Economic analysis and financial decision on SCM cooperation 
(Balance Sheet, Income Statement & Statement of Cash Flows)


IT & Web: TMS, WMI & Cross-Docking, VMI, CPFR,DRP, SCM, CRM, SRM, EDI, XML, 


How you can contact us

For more info, please contact Mr. John Tang at 021-56714769 or address@hidden 
After you have filled up the registration form, I really appreciate if you 
can fax it to our office at 021-36080533.  We will confirm through email or 
call within 12 hours. For Master Applicant, call Mr. John Tang Directly 

Organizer profile 

Lloyd's Logistics Limited, set up in 1994, one of BCC (British Commercial 
Chamber) in China offers you the professional service in China logistics such as
 training, coaching, consulting and exchanging. Our service will give you 
direct contribution of cost saving and marketing competition by means of ` NO 
 NO PAY `. 


Trainer Profile

Mr. John Tang

Master Professor, a qualified professional in logistics training and a senior 
logistics director having 25 years logistics experience of MNC, is a noted 
in China Logistics Field. He has served as senior logistics director and 
project manager in various top 500 manufacturers such as Rhodia, RHONE-POULENC, 
and TPL such as COSCO, PENAVICO, CONTAINER CO. of Shanghai Harbor Bureau, 
Inchcape Logistics Greater CHINA. 


John has acquired his master degree in transportation management from Shanghai 
Maritime University, and he has also served in Shanghai Maritime Court, Shanghai
 Engineering and Technology University; consulting for World Bank and R.W law 
firm. Mr. Tang has unique opinions and views on China Container Transportation 
and Logistics Management education and field experience. His students are 
employed in international companies and third party logistics providers. He has 
set up the China Container Transportation Network Project in 1987. And in 1993 
he has created the concept of famous China Shipping Center (Shanghai). His 
dozens of successful logistics projects and field experience are suitable for 
the field requirement in various international MNC and logistics providers.


Over the past two decades, Mr. Tang has been involved in various logistics 
practices in China, such as third party professional logistics and distribution 
designing of enterprise supply chain and logistics strategy planning, project 
feasibility study and operation; dealing with FMCG such as food, cosmetics, 
dealing with textile products, office equipment and facilities, chemicals, 
pesticides, and medicines. In the period, Mr. Tang has also acquired rich 
theory and
field experience in port, railway, multi- model transportation, warehousing, as 
well as international logistics experience from Ex-work to DDU/DDP. He has
 managed to save the enterprises several tens of millions RMB in costs every 


Why this workshop

Saving cost is the key bottle in MNC & SCM. China international shipping price 
has been increased year by year and domestic highway price is 
same in the limitation of Over-loading. The long distance of ocean let IT in 

In fact, 95% of the logistics managers in MNC have less professional background 
such as education, experience etc.; Also, most of famous MNC 
Logistics company had not good performance in the past ten years in China. 


We are glad to have seen that the participates of our past seminars made great 
contribution to their own companies for million saving and 
also increase their annual packages. On the other side, our consulting service 
let some customers save several million US$ in China. 


Who should attend?

CFO,CEO, GM of MNC, Logistics Mangers, Supply Chain and Purchasing Managers, 
Marketing and Sales Managers, Financial managers, GM and 
Development Managers of Third Party Logistics Providers  


How much you should pay 


◆ 48,000RMB


How you can register 


Registration Form  

Attendee Name1______________ _Title_________________________________________   


Attendee Name2______________ _Title_________________________________________ 


Attendee Name3_______________ Title_________________________________________ 


Company: ________ ___________ _____________________________________ ________ 


Address: ________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _______________ ________ 


Fax:_____ ________ ___ ______  Email_________________________________________ 


Contact person_______ _______Title____________________ _______________  ______  


Tel __ ___ ________ ____ __ ___ Fax ___________________________  ______________ 


  本辞典是目前最新的一本实用性,操作性的现代物流与集装箱运输,储运的大型工具书。书号ISBN 7-81038-500-3/T-28. 
公司名称: 上海劳氏航贸公司(Lloyd's Logistics Limited), 上海市海伦路555号国贸花园D座404室   邮编: 
200080开户行: 上海银行横浜桥支行账户: 316748-009027044   
联系人: 郑小姐   电话: 021 - 56714769, 13918810395    传真:021 - 36080533  Email: 
address@hidden; 详情请见网页 www.500net.com.cn 

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