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[Bug-glpk] Possible Bug

From: Carlos Almeida
Subject: [Bug-glpk] Possible Bug
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2007 23:30:44 +0300


Please, can you tell me if this is a bug in glpksol?

# Model to solve line 1

set Resource;
set Facility;
set Item;

param Level := 30, integer, >= 0;

param Facility_Level {i in Facility};
/* Level of facility */

param Resource_Qte {i in Resource};
/* Quantities of resources */

param Resource_Objective {i in Resource};
/* Resource production objectives */

param Facility_Data {i in Facility, j in 0..Level, k in Item};
/* Information about each facility, production/hour, costs, etc... */

param Resource_Production {i in Facility, j in Resource};
/* Production of resource r by each facility */

param Energy_Contribution {i in Facility};
/* Power production of each power plant */

param Objective {i in Facility};
/* Production objective of resource */

var p {i in Facility} integer >= 1 <= 10;
/* level of production in 0..10 then * 10 = %s */

minimize time: sum {j in Resource} (
max(Resource_Objective[j] - Resource_Qte[j],0) /
(sum{i in Facility} Facility_Data[i, Facility_Level[i], j] * p[i]));


I get the following error 

facility.mod:35: operand following / has invalid type
Context: ...Facility_Data [ i , Facility_Level [ i ] , j ] * p [ i ] )
Model processing error

If I wrote like this I get error also:
minimize time: sum {j in Resource} (
max(Resource_Objective[j] - Resource_Qte[j],0) /
sum{i in Facility} Facility_Data[i, Facility_Level[i], j] / p[i]);
Reading model section from /home/cmsa/ogame.mod...
/home/cmsa/ogame.mod:35: operand following / has invalid type
Context: ...} Facility_Data [ i , Facility_Level [ i ] , j ] * p [ i ] )
Model processing error

Only if both operations are '*' (plus) it gives no error!

I need this working with some urgency, and I get stucked here...
Please help.

Thank in advance,
Carlos Almeida


Please, can you tell me if this is a bug in glpksol?

# Model to solve line 1

set Resource;
set Facility;
set Item;

param Level := 30, integer, >= 0;

param Facility_Level {i in Facility};
/* Level of facility */

param Resource_Qte {i in Resource};
/* Quantities of resources */

param Resource_Objective {i in Resource};
/* Resource production objectives */

param Facility_Data {i in Facility, j in 0..Level, k in Item};
/* Information about each facility, production/hour, costs, etc... */

param Resource_Production {i in Facility, j in Resource};
/* Production of resource r by each facility */

param Energy_Contribution {i in Facility};
/* Power production of each power plant */

param Objective {i in Facility};
/* Production objective of resource */

var p {i in Facility} integer >= 1 <= 10;
/* level of production in 0..10 then * 10 = %s */

minimize time: sum {j in Resource} (
max(Resource_Objective[j] - Resource_Qte[j],0) /
(sum{i in Facility} Facility_Data[i, Facility_Level[i], j] * p[i]));


I get the following error :(

facility.mod:35: operand following / has invalid type
Context: ...Facility_Data [ i , Facility_Level [ i ] , j ] * p [ i ] )
Model processing error

If I wrote like this I get error also:
minimize time: sum {j in Resource} (
max(Resource_Objective[j] - Resource_Qte[j],0) /
sum{i in Facility} Facility_Data[i, Facility_Level[i], j] / p[i]);
Reading model section from /home/cmsa/ogame.mod...
/home/cmsa/ogame.mod:35: operand following / has invalid type
Context: ...} Facility_Data [ i , Facility_Level [ i ] , j ] * p [ i ] )
Model processing error

Only if both operations are '*' (plus) it gives no error!

I need this working with some urgency, and I get stucked here...
Please help.

Thank in advance,
Carlos Almeida
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