Composed by Anton Voropaev (address@hidden). This is a repeat of runs reported for GLPK 4.55 on 09.01.2015 and GLPK 4.56 on 11.10.2015 ( using newer versions 4.59 and 4.59.2 of GLPK. This time, I have built the stand-alone solver via Microsoft Windows SDK v7.1 on 32-bit Windows XP. Below is a summary of results. A mark consists of fail's abbreviation and approximate occurrence time in minutes. Blank means that no fails occured, at least for an hour. instance + options | 4.55 | 4.56 | 4.59 | 4.59.2 | 4.59.2 flip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- corr1_mostf_bestb | ptr 1 | | | | corr1_mostf_bestb_cuts | ptr 1 | | lock 1 | lock 4 | corr1_mostf_bfs | ptr 1 | piv1 1 | lock' 3 | | corr1_mostf_bfs_cuts | ptr 1 | lock 2 | tcol 1 | lock 10 | lock 10 corr2_pcost_bestp | piv1 25 | piv1 6 | lock' 1 | | corr3_bestp | piv1 7 | | | | corr3_pcost_bestp | piv1 25 | piv1 15 | tcol 25 | tcol' 25 | tcol' 20 corr3_pcost_dfs | piv1 15 | piv1 15 | tcol 20 | | tcol' 30 water_cuts | piv1 1 | | cannot 1 | | lock'' 10 coal_last_bestp_cuts | lock 1 | | | | Fails' details. ptr Assertion failed: ptr < end Error detected in file ..\src\bflib\sgf.c at line 146 piv1 Assertion failed: piv1 != 0.0 Error detected in file ..\src\glpspx02.c at line 3027 lock Warning: numerical instability (dual simplex, phase II) Followed by the solution information with no progress over millions of iterations. lock' Error: basis matrix is singular to working precision (cond = ...) Followed by the solution information with no progress over millions of iterations. lock'' Warning: numerical instability (dual simplex, phase II) Followed by the solution information with tiny progress. tcol Assertion failed: tcol[csa->p] != 0.0 Error detected in file ..\src\simplex\spydual.c at line 999 tcol' Assertion failed: tcol[csa->p] != 0.0 Error detected in file ..\src\simplex\spydual.c at line 1103 cannot glp_intopt: cannot solve current LP relaxation