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From: Menahem Dunsky
Subject: Cheating
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2004 12:59:53 -0500

My computer is an iMac 0s X Version 10.2.6 and the Chess was already installed in the computer, Very frequently Chess cheats; I will make an honest move, but as window appears which reads, "Illegal Move". I believe that the makers of Gnu Chess; have not only cheated their player, but also Apple, and I will so complain to Apple.
I demand a reply by email!
Otherwise I shall post a much more serious complaint at www.baddealings.com, where millions of people will be able to read it.
Mr. M. Dunsky
======================================================================== ========== As well, the people at Gnu Chess are rude, I have emailed them before, see for yourselves: I live in Montreal Canada. My computer is an iMac OSX Version 10.2.6; the computer has a built in Chess Game, known as Gnu Chess. Having shared all of this information there is a sad story to tell: Gnu Chess consistently cheats. I might make an entirely honest move; but a window appears with the words "Illegal Move"! This has happened many scores of times. Yesterday (Dec. 17/04) I phoned Apple and spoke with a Technical Assistant, hoping that he might solve this intractable problem of cheating. At first he was puzzled by my complaint; but then, he spoke to another TA who told him that he had received the same complaint several times, which satisfied me no end. That was when I typed "Gnu Chess" into Google; and that led me to this happy site. If anyone on this site wishes to comment on the above, or wishes to play Chess with me (Intermediate), My email address: address@hidden

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