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Re: Gnu chess

From: Guest
Subject: Re: Gnu chess
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 21:20:47 -0500

"Morten Due Jorgensen" <address@hidden> wrote in message 
> Hello there!
> Just a quick question: Is development of Gnu chess still taking place? I
> think I have found a minor bug (performance issue), nothing serious, but
> perhaps you would be interested? Let me know, and I will send my analysis.

No, it has stopped

I don't think many people were happy with GNU Chess 5, plus there are so 
many other open source chess programs that there's little need for GNU Chess 

http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/chess is the home place for it.  Or it used 
to be....

Last I heard, Cracraft (GNU Chess maintainer) was writing his own.  He shows 
up in the TalkChess forums, if you'd like to mention it there or talk about 
computer chess in general.

( for programming & computer chess.)

I suppose you could post info about GNU Chess here and in the regular group, 
but I don't think much will come from it.  As I said, a lot of people 
weren't happy with GNU Chess 5.  It wasn an entirely new program and many 
people felt it was not a good example of a bitboard chess program, etc. etc.

> Regards,
> -- 
> Morten Due Jorgensen
> http://www.mdjnet.dk

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