Using gnuchess version 5.07 with the xboard option "gnuchess -x" I've got this trace:
gnuchess -x
Adjusting HashSize to 1024 slots
protover 2
feature setboard=1 analyze=1 ping=1 draw=0 sigint=0 variants="normal" myname="GNU Chess 5.07" done=1
1. ... b1c3
My move is: b1c3
1. e7e6
2. ... d2d4
My move is: d2d4
Gnuchess is playing white's but the output of it's move is like black notation : 1. ... b1c3
I'm playing black's but it's trace is like white's move notation : 1. e7e6
This is the normal notation using the xboard option or it is a wrong output?
Miquel Canes