I have been unable to reproduce the problem
on version 6.2.7.
I don't understand where the two-line date heading of your ARCHIVO
comes from, as pgnsave does not write anything before [Event ""]. Do
you have any clue? By the way, had you invoked pgnload beforehands?
As Simon said, PGNSaveToFile is suspicious of doing something wrong.
I am changing a little bit the way the y/n user input is processed in case a
file overwrite is detected, but this is unlikely to be related to your problem.
Anyway, did it occur in such a situation, or the file just didn't exist prior to
your call to pgnsave?
Don't know if it's a bug or maybe I'm doing something wrong when I save
a game.
I run gnuchess and doing some moves. If I run show game, I can see the
moves. But if I run pgnsave that only saves the last move, so after I
can't load.
running show game after some moves:
@Blancas (4) : show game
White Black
1. d3 Nc6
2. e4 Nf6
3. a4 e5
Then I save the game in a file, and if I run a cat to that file this is
what I get:
$> cat ARCHIVO
mié 30 sep
2020 18:06:27
[Event ""]
[Site ""]
[Date "2020.09.30"]
[Round ""]
[White ""]
[Black "GNU Chess 6.2.7"]
[WhiteELO "0"]
[BlackELO "0"]
[Result ""]
nothing more!
I miss something? Running openSUSE Tumbleweed and I've installed
gnuchess from repositories.
Thanks for your work! Greetings
PS: Maybe would be a good idea to change "pgnsave" and "pgnload" to
"save" and "load" :)
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