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xboard 4.9.1 + gnuchess 6.7.2 don't work together

From: Fr Ml
Subject: xboard 4.9.1 + gnuchess 6.7.2 don't work together
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2020 12:38:41 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.12.0


Xboard 4.9.1 doesn't work with GNU Chess 6.7.2 (archlinux machine).
If I'm white, it just makes one move and then after my second move it does nothing.
I've asked Xboard (bug-xboard@gnu.org) about this problem but they say, it's a GNU Chess problem.

So I don't know. Somehow the interaction between the two programs doesn't work?

I've attached the debug file:`xboard -debug`


Attachment: xboard.debug
Description: Text document

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