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Re: spelling/grammar error in european.el

From: Lute Kamstra
Subject: Re: spelling/grammar error in european.el
Date: 26 Feb 2002 17:08:34 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0++) Emacs/21.1

fouvry@CoLi.Uni-SB.DE (Frederik Fouvry) writes:

> | Hmm, there is a mistake in the Dutch sentence as well:
> | 
> |   "Er is een aantal manieren waarop je dit kan doen"
> | 
> | should be
> | 
> |   "Er zijn een aantal manieren waarop je dit kan doen"
> For me (I'm a native speaker of Dutch), both are possible, but
> the first one (i.e. the current one) is clearly the better one.

Please look at it again.  I think you are mislead by "aantal" which is
singular.  However, "aantal" is not used as a noun here.  The subject
of the sentence is "manieren" which is plural.  So the right form of
the verb should be "zijn" (plural) and not "is" (singular).  Agreed?


  Lute Kamstra.

Lute Kamstra  <Lute.Kamstra@cwi.nl>
CWI  department PNA4
Room M233  phone (+31) 20 592 4214

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