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bug#1806: dired-pop-to-buffer in wrong place

From: martin rudalics
Subject: bug#1806: dired-pop-to-buffer in wrong place
Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 08:42:35 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

> As I can see currently `fit-window-to-buffer' always takes space
> from the bottom window, but we need it from the top window.

Looking at this again, I believe what you want is to invert the order of
stealing and giving as in the attached patch.  Might have side-effects

Index: window.c
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/src/window.c,v
retrieving revision 1.638
diff -c -r1.638 window.c
*** window.c    8 Jan 2009 03:16:08 -0000       1.638
--- window.c    8 Jan 2009 07:21:10 -0000
*** 4125,4171 ****
        while (delta != 0
             && (!NILP (next) || !NILP (prev)))
!         if (! NILP (next))
!             int this_one = ((*sizefun) (next)
!                             - window_min_size (XWINDOW (next), horiz_flag,
                                                 0, 0, &fixed_p));
              if (!fixed_p)
                  if (this_one > delta)
                    this_one = delta;
!                 (*setsizefun) (next, (*sizefun) (next) - this_one, 0);
                  (*setsizefun) (window, XINT (*sizep) + this_one, 0);
                  delta -= this_one;
!             next = XWINDOW (next)->next;
          if (delta == 0)
!         if (! NILP (prev))
!             int this_one = ((*sizefun) (prev)
!                             - window_min_size (XWINDOW (prev), horiz_flag,
                                                 0, 0, &fixed_p));
              if (!fixed_p)
                  if (this_one > delta)
                    this_one = delta;
!                 first_affected = prev;
!                 (*setsizefun) (prev, (*sizefun) (prev) - this_one, 0);
                  (*setsizefun) (window, XINT (*sizep) + this_one, 0);
                  delta -= this_one;
!             prev = XWINDOW (prev)->prev;
--- 4125,4171 ----
        while (delta != 0
             && (!NILP (next) || !NILP (prev)))
!         if (! NILP (prev))
!             int this_one = ((*sizefun) (prev)
!                             - window_min_size (XWINDOW (prev), horiz_flag,
                                                 0, 0, &fixed_p));
              if (!fixed_p)
                  if (this_one > delta)
                    this_one = delta;
!                 first_affected = prev;
!                 (*setsizefun) (prev, (*sizefun) (prev) - this_one, 0);
                  (*setsizefun) (window, XINT (*sizep) + this_one, 0);
                  delta -= this_one;
!             prev = XWINDOW (prev)->prev;
          if (delta == 0)
!         if (! NILP (next))
!             int this_one = ((*sizefun) (next)
!                             - window_min_size (XWINDOW (next), horiz_flag,
                                                 0, 0, &fixed_p));
              if (!fixed_p)
                  if (this_one > delta)
                    this_one = delta;
!                 (*setsizefun) (next, (*sizefun) (next) - this_one, 0);
                  (*setsizefun) (window, XINT (*sizep) + this_one, 0);
                  delta -= this_one;
!             next = XWINDOW (next)->next;

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