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bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths o
From: |
Cray Elliott |
Subject: |
bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system |
Date: |
Sat, 07 Apr 2012 03:45:38 -0700 |
For example, if you went to eshell and typed 'sudo rm -rf /opt/folder'
it would complain about permissions being needed and wouldn't query
for password. Bug doesn't exist with relative paths. Bug does exist with
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of 2012-04-07 on rbdash
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value of $LC_CTYPE: nil
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- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system,
Cray Elliott <=
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Michael Albinus, 2012/04/08
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Stefan Monnier, 2012/04/08
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Michael Albinus, 2012/04/09
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Stefan Monnier, 2012/04/09
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Michael Albinus, 2012/04/10
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Stefan Monnier, 2012/04/10
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Michael Albinus, 2012/04/10
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Stefan Monnier, 2012/04/10
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Michael Albinus, 2012/04/10
- bug#11194: 24.0.95; sudo rm doesn't work with absolute directory paths on the file system, Stefan Monnier, 2012/04/10