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bug#22241: 25.0.50; etags Ruby parser problems

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#22241: 25.0.50; etags Ruby parser problems
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 22:29:02 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/44.0

On 01/23/2016 09:59 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:

So I guess I will leave constants out for now: etags has no notion of

That would be a noticeable omission. Can't you just look for

^[ \t]([A-Z][a-z0-9_])[ \t]*=[ \t]*

? Then record the first group, and simply don't look at what's being assigned. The right hand value is an expression, and you need to skip over paired {} and do-end's, but the etags parser has to do that anyway, right?

Is the telltale part "<<" or "self" (or both)?  If it's "<<", then are
there other such tokens that "invalidate" a class?

It's "class << self" as a whole. Instead of self, there could be a variable, or a class name, but let's ignore those cases for now.

If we see "class <<" - it's not a class definition. If it's followed by "self", record the methods inside the scope as class methods. If it's followed by something other than "self"... maybe even skip the following scope altogether.

Looks complicated, but I will look into this.  I hope no identifier
can be named "end", as in

   def foo
     bar = end


No variable can be named 'end'. But 'end' can be a method name (so foo.end is valid syntax). You should also be on the lookout for :end or end:, that's an :end Symbol, not a keyword.

In practice, the 'end' keyword is almost always either preceded by ^[ \t]* or by ;[ \t]*.

It's common to use '#' in the qualified names of instance methods

What part of the source makes 'foo!' an instance method?

An instance method is a "normal" method, i.e. a method you can call on an "instance" of a class. Example:

class C
  def foo

(That's C#foo).

c = C.new # instantiate
c.foo # call

Because 'attr_writer :bar' effectively expands to

def bar=(val)
    @bar = val

and 'attr_accessor :tee' expands into

def tee

def tee=(val)
    @tee = val

So you are saying that attr_writer and attr_accessor cause the '=' to
be appended?

They generate a method with the name bar=, yes.

To clarify the meaning of this: you can't have '=' in a name of a variable, only at the end of a method name. And if you have 'bar=(val)' defined in class C, it gets called during assignment:

class C
  def bar=(val)
    @bar = val

  def foo
    @bar * 3

c = C.new
c.bar = 4
c.foo # => 12

So attr_writer, attr_reader and attr_accessor generate "accessor" methods for the instance variables in the given class.

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