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bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally
From: |
Eli Zaretskii |
Subject: |
bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer |
Date: |
Tue, 08 Dec 2020 19:01:18 +0200 |
> From: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com>
> Cc: bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org
> Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 15:56:49 +0000
> > Can you elaborate on the evidence you found of this non-local exit?
> It was evidenced by M-x trace-function process-send-string RET and also
> by substituting the snippet I posted earlier with:
> (unwind-protect
> (progn
> (sly-send `(:emacs-rex ,form ,package ,thread ,id ,@extra-options))
> (setq send-success t))
> (if send-success
> (push (cons id continuation) (sly-rex-continuations))
> (sly-message
> "[issue#385] likely `process-send-string' exited non-locally from
> timer.")
> (sly-log-event `(:issue-385-sly-send-fishiness :id ,id
> :form
> ,form )
> sly-dispatching-connection)))
> Once in a while, the else branch of the if triggered.
> Anyway, here's an observation:
> 1 -> (process-send-string #<process sly-1> "00044d(:emacs-rex
> (slynk:autodoc (quote (\"defpackage\" \":slynk\" (\":use\" \":cl\"
> \":slynk-backend\" \":slynk-match\" \":slynk-rpc\") (\":export\"
> \"#:startup-multiprocessing\" \"#:start-server\" \"#:create-server\"
> \"#:stop-server\" \"#:restart-server\" \"#:ed-in-emacs\"
> \"#:inspect-in-emacs\" \"#:print-indentation-lossage\"
> \"#:invoke-sly-debugger\" \"#:slynk-debugger-hook\" \"#:emacs-inspect\"
> \"#:authenticate-client\" \"#:*loopback-interface*\"
> \"#:*buffer-readtable*\" \"#:process-requests\") (\":export\"
> \"#:*communication-style*\" \"#:*dont-close*\"
> \"#:*fasl-pathname-function*\" \"#:*log-events*\" \"#:*log-output*\"
> \"#:*configure-emacs-indentation*\" \"#:*readtable-alist*\"
> \"#:*global-debugger*\" \"#:*sly-db-quit-restart*\"
> \"#:*backtrace-printer-bindings*\"
> \"#:*default-worker-thread-bindings*\"
> \"#:*macroexpand-printer-bindings*\" \"#:*slynk-pprint-bindings*\"
> \"#:*string-elision-length*\" \"#:*inspector-verbose*\"
> \"#:*require-module*\" \"#:*eval-for-emacs-wrappers*\"
> \"#:*debugger-extra-options*\" \"#:*globally-redirect-io*\"
> \"#:*use-dedicated-output-stream*\" \"#:*dedicated-output-stream-port*\"
> slynk::%cursor-marker%))) :print-right-margin 80) \":slynk\" t 100) ") 1
> <- process-send-string: !non-local\ exit!
Then my suggestion is to run this under GDB with a breakpoint on the
few places we call sys_longjmp, and when it breaks, show the C and
Lisp backtrace from there.
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/08
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, Eli Zaretskii, 2020/12/08
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/08
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer,
Eli Zaretskii <=
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/08
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/09
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, Eli Zaretskii, 2020/12/09
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/10
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, Eli Zaretskii, 2020/12/10
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/10
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/10
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, Dmitry Gutov, 2020/12/10
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, Stefan Monnier, 2020/12/10
- bug#45117: 28.0.50; process-send-string mysteriously exiting non-locally when called from timer, João Távora, 2020/12/10