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bug#43389: 28.0.50; Emacs memory leaks using hard disk all time

From: Trevor Bentley
Subject: bug#43389: 28.0.50; Emacs memory leaks using hard disk all time
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2020 20:59:34 +0100

Hmm, that makes it trickier. No clue if my default packages launch threads, but it's possible.

Grep them for make-thread.
I just hit the bug in one of my sessions: the call to unblock_input() in garbage_collect() never returns.

If that ran in a thread, perhaps the thread died.
But the session still completely works, so I'm not really sure what's going on here.

As long as the main thread runs, you might indeed see nothing special.

This was exactly my thought: a thread I'm not even aware of must be silently crashing and leaving GC in a bad state.

But there's only a single case of 'make-thread' in my ~/.emacs.d/, and it's extremely unlikely that function ever runs ("lsp-download-install").

More importantly, I'm comparing (list-threads) in emacs and "info threads" in gdb, and the failed instance looks identical to the non-failed instances: a single emacs thread ("Main"), and three real threads ("emacs", "gmain", "gdbus"). garbage_collect() not present in any backtrace when interrupted.

I'm at a loss for how it teleported out of that garbage_collect() call. Back to printf, I guess. Maybe there was a short-lived thread that isn't normally running...


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