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bug#41572: 28.0.50; [PATCH] Support plain project marked with file .emac

From: Nikolay Kudryavtsev
Subject: bug#41572: 28.0.50; [PATCH] Support plain project marked with file .emacs-project
Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2021 14:52:49 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.14.0

Available how? Through a certain keymap, or a specially named set of commands? These issues matter.
Available through a function project-current-vc. On top of that you can implement (global, per backend, per project) setting project-honour-vc-ignores. Then project-vc-* utility functions.

If you don't care about the defaults, why argue on this bug tracker at all?
Because when you're discussing multiple complicated interconnected issues, it's nice to spot one you don't have to discuss.

But it's not reduced: quite the opposite, whatever the user adds (to the beginning of the list) takes up a significant responsibility.
It is relegated to the second class citizenship. Remember, here I was talking about your patch in particular. It puts file marker backends into a separate list, not the generic case of users adding new backends.

It's not the only possible solution to the problem, but I have yet to see a complete design of some alternative being presented.
I've already presented what I'm proposing in previous emails:

(register-project-backend "project.file" priority :optimizes-file-listing nil :honuor-vc-ignores t)

Instead of adding any separate lists the same marker find functionality can be implemented in a backend registration function and this would allow people needing file marker backends to implement them on the fly, whenever they need one. Also it's not touching the defaults in any way, leaving the decision about the backend priority to the user.

For instance, Maven modules can be reliably discovered from the parent project's root directory, unlike the potential discovery logic for arbitrarily nested projects (which seems like it will require a costly directory tree walk).
Yes. At the basic level it's a directory tree walk. But that's not a drawback of my particular proposal, since any attempt to implement the project unit functionality would suffer from this, regardless of the design chosen. You can implement any discovery strategy with any design.

It was just an example for what a "build tool API" could look like. If you know better, try to propose a different one.
I've already proposed one. Each project backend has a set of actions. An action is just a function. Since most would probably be simple shell commands in the project-root, some easier way to define those should implemented. You can see whichever actions are available in some interactive dispatch function or the menu. Actions can be grouped into action groups. This is better in my opinion due to not presuming anything, so if you need to group by a build tool or by multiple, you can, but you don't have to.

I meant a separate set of commands which would apply VCS's ignores to the project operations, which the "current" VC-unrelated backend apparently might not do, according to how I understood your explanations.
That would a bit clunky. Just honoring VC ignores by default is much better, with an option to do the opposite.

Treating Maven modules as separate sub-projects *might* fit well with that as well.
If you can act on parent and child projects of the current, there's even less of a point to implement project units as a separate semantic unit(concept) from the project itself.

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