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bug#56609: [PATCH] Derive `Info-mode' from `special-mode'

From: Richard Hansen
Subject: bug#56609: [PATCH] Derive `Info-mode' from `special-mode'
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 18:21:16 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.11.0

Po Lu wrote:
Did you test this with Info-edit-mode?

Info-edit-mode seems to work fine (after patching a bug in info-edit.el; see 
bug#56621), though I didn't exercise it much:

  emacs -Q
  C-h i
  M-: (require 'info-edit) RET
  M-x Info-edit RET SPC
  C-c C-c y /tmp/testing.info RET

Drew Adams wrote:
Derive `Info-mode' from `special-mode'

* lisp/info.el (Info-mode): Derive `Info-mode' from `special-mode'.

This makes it easier to exclude it from globalized minor modes that don't apply to special modes (such as `global-whitespace-mode' and global-display-fill-column-indicator-mode').

Is that the only reason?

That's my motivating reason.  I guess "improved code readability via 
consistency" could be considered a secondary reason.

If so, why is that a real problem?

The alternative doesn't scale. (discussed below)

And if it is, why is this a good solution?

I'm not enough of an Emacs guru to know if there is a better solution.  After 
reading [1], [2], and [3] I concluded that `special-mode' was the perfect 
parent mode for `Info-mode'.  Maybe there are some details that I'm not 
familiar with, and a better solution exists.  Any suggestions would be 

[2] https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Derived-Modes.html

If you see some real problem of a particular globalized minor mode interfering with Info mode, why not report that as a specific problem to be considered for solving?

In general, globalized minor modes intended for text/code editing convenience 
are not useful (or even problematic) for major modes whose primary purpose is 
not editing code or text.  If all major modes were derived from `text-mode', 
`prog-mode', or `special-mode', such globalized minor modes could either accept 
only major modes derived from `text-mode'/`prog-mode' or exclude major modes 
derived from `special-mode'.  Given that not all major modes derive from one of 
those basic major modes, the conservative approach is to exclude 
`special-mode'.  This assumes that unknown major modes are probably used for 
editing text/code, and it's better to have a false positive (a non-editing 
major mode is mistakenly assumed to be an editing mode) than a false negative 
(an editing major mode is mistakenly assumed to be a non-editing mode).  This 
patch fixes one of the false positives.

The globalized minor modes could also explicitly permit/deny specific modes 
such as `Info-mode', but that approach does not scale well.  It does not make 
sense to audit all globalized minor modes in Emacs, ELPA, MELPA, etc. and edit 
each one to explicitly add `Info-mode' to its exclusion list.  Besides being 
labor intensive, manually curated lists easily become outdated.  One of the 
values of `special-mode' is the ability to easily filter out all non-editing 
modes without any code churn.  Let's take advantage of it.

Emacs has already pondered this question, as evidenced by the code comment.

I looked at the commit history before I posted the patch.  The comment was 
added in [4] by Stefan Monnier (+CCed).  That commit looks unrelated to the 
parent mode, so I'm assuming Stefan did what I often do: stumble across 
something unexpected while working on an unrelated task, and add a comment to 
help future readers recognize that the code warrants revisiting or at least a 
justification comment.


It's still a question, and worth raising.

I figured the easiest way to start the discussion was by posting a patch.  If 
the change was not controversial, then it could be merged with minimal effort.  
Otherwise, the concerns could be raised (as you did).

But to raise it, there should be some (more) information about what problems there might be now. Otherwise, `special-mode', here, is a solution in search of a problem.

I don't understand why the bar should be so high for this change.  Why isn't 
"convenient exclusion from globalized minor modes intended for editing 
convenience" a good enough reason to make this change?

Is this change riskier than I think it is?  I agree that we don't want to 
introduce bugs, but being too cautious hinders progress.  Also, there's always 
`git revert` if something does break.

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