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bug#51753: bug#55540: 29.0.50; ERC launches autojoin-channels in current

From: J.P.
Subject: bug#51753: bug#55540: 29.0.50; ERC launches autojoin-channels in current frame instead of original frame
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2022 23:22:50 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi Pankaj,

Pankaj Jangid <pankaj@codeisgreat.org> writes:

> Now the behaviour is acceptable when "erc-autojoin-channels-alist" is
> set to nil. i.e. the frame in which I launched "erc-tls" opens the erc
> window instead of occupying the current frame.

Hm, right, but I think that was always the baseline behavior, no? If
not, I wonder if the recent change to the default for `erc-join-buffer'
somehow affected this.

> But when I have few channels in "erc-autojoin-channels-alist" then the
> channels are still openning in the current frame instead of the
> dedicated frame that I started for "erc-tls". Is there some setting
> that I missed in the conversation for this?

Looks like it, but I should have re-summarized either way. So that's my

> (setq erc-prompt-for-nickserv-password nil
>       erc-use-auth-source-for-nickserv-password t)

This is unrelated (so feel free to skip ahead), but are you sure
auth-source is even being consulted here? I ask because `services' isn't
a default module, and your snippet doesn't modify `erc-modules', AFAICT.
Regardless, adding services to the repro mix at this point would only
complicate matters, so please forget I said anything. I mean, if really
necessary, you can just use Libera's server-password kludge while
testing (everything will still be encrypted):

  (erc-tls :password "$myaccount:$mypass" ...)

> [...]
> (setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist
>       '(("libera.chat" "#emacs" "#erc" "#gnus")))

Ah, looks like we're missing

  (setq erc-join-buffer 'frame
        erc-auto-query 'frame
        erc-reuse-frames 'displayed)

Also, you *did* apply the patch and rerun make (or at least delete the
.elc), right?:


(Yeah, those changes aren't on trunk.) Anyway, please let me know if
something doesn't add up.


P.S. If you want, you can use the symbol `Libera.Chat' instead of the
string "libera.chat" in `erc-autojoin-channels-alist'.

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