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bug#58158: 29.0.50; [overlay] Interval tree iteration considered harmful

From: Gerd Möllmann
Subject: bug#58158: 29.0.50; [overlay] Interval tree iteration considered harmful
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 16:37:51 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/29.0.50 (darwin)

Gerd Möllmann <gerd.moellmann@gmail.com> writes:

> Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:
>> One reason is that traversing a binary tree usually requires something
>> like recursion, but that wouldn't fit very conveniently with the current
>> code (nor with C in general since you can't make a local recursive
>> closure which accesses local variables from the surrounding function).
> Ok, usually, but not necessarily.  The alternative is to implement an
> iterator that starts with a node N, and an implementation of a successor
> function, which return the successor of N in a given order.  This
> requires a parent pointer in nodes, but that we have.
> (Something like this is used for ordered containers like "map" and "set"
> in C++ STL, for instance, which are based on rb-trees in GCC's
> libstdc++.)

The code from libstdc++ is this (from libstdc++-v3/src/c++98/tree.cc):

  static _Rb_tree_node_base*
  local_Rb_tree_increment(_Rb_tree_node_base* __x) throw ()
    if (__x->_M_right != 0)
        __x = __x->_M_right;
        while (__x->_M_left != 0)
          __x = __x->_M_left;
        _Rb_tree_node_base* __y = __x->_M_parent;
        while (__x == __y->_M_right)
            __x = __y;
            __y = __y->_M_parent;
        if (__x->_M_right != __y)
          __x = __y;
    return __x;

I hope one can read that.

The idea is to find the root of the smallest subtree containing the
current node, and proceed from there.  That's why the parent pointer is

Symmmetrical for max->min ordering.  And finding min/max is trivial.

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