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bug#64311: [PATCH] Fix shell-dirtrack-mode showing up as enabled in unre

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#64311: [PATCH] Fix shell-dirtrack-mode showing up as enabled in unrelated buffers
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 14:18:57 +0300

> From: Vladimir Sedach <vas@oneofus.la>
> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 22:39:50 -0600
> Fix shell-dirtrack-mode showing up as enabled in unrelated buffers
> shell-dirtrack-mode always shows up in unrelated buffers.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. emacs -q
> 2. M-x shell
> 3. describe-mode (C-h m) in *scratch* or *GNU Emacs*

In what version of Emacs do you see this?  (You didn't include in your
report the information collected by "M-x report-emacs-bug", so I
cannot know what version and on what OS are you using.)  I cannot
reproduce this in Emacs 29: "C-h m" after "M-x shell" shows
shell-dirtrack-mode only in the *shell* buffer.  I do see it in
*scratch* in Emacs 28, so I guess we already fixed this?

> Note: I am not sure what to put for WHEN on the obsolete variable.
> Does that get filled in when merging?

No, you need to specify it explicitly.  It's the first Emacs version
where the variable was declared obsolete, in this case "30.1".  (But
meanwhile I don't think we need to install this.)


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