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bug#67246: 30.0.50; elixir-ts-mode uses faces inconsistently

From: Andrey Listopadov
Subject: bug#67246: 30.0.50; elixir-ts-mode uses faces inconsistently
Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2023 13:41:20 +0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.11; emacs 30.0.50

Dmitry Gutov <dmitry@gutov.dev> writes:

> On 27/11/2023 19:59, Wilhelm Kirschbaum wrote:
>> Here is a patch to address numerous issues flagged on Elixir slack,
>> Github and in this thread.  It will not be perfect, but since the
>> changes are pretty large I want to get this in and then we can pick on
>> specific issues afterwards if that makes sense?
> Thank you. No problem, pushed to master.

Thanks! The code now seems to be properly highlighted. I've just tested
the update and noticed that putting the `do' keyword on a separate line
breaks indentation. Here's an example:

defmodule Foo
  do # case A
  @moduledoc """
  Test module.

  defp a(x), do: a(x, 0)

  defp a(x, y),
       do: a(x, 0, 0) # case B

  defp a(x, y, z)
do # case C
  x + y + z

I have intentionally introduced incorrect indentation before the first
`do' keyword (case A), but the matching `end' keyword was indented
automatically when I called `indent-region' on the whole buffer. The
case B seems to be indented incorrectly, the default formatter would
indent such `do:' by just two spaces after the parent `defp'.

The third case C is similar to case A, except the indentation was
provided by Emacs, meaning, after pressing the RET key before the `do'
keyword, Emacs had put the keyword at the BOL. If there are no `do'
after the closing parenthesis, the automatic indentation is correct.

I'm not sure if these problems were introduced by the changes, or were
present before, and if I should send a separeate bug report for them, as
this isn't strictly related to highlighting, just with the
tree-sitter-based indentation.

Andrey Listopadov

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