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bug#67171: 30.0.50; (At least) some VC commands fail with project-prefix

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#67171: 30.0.50; (At least) some VC commands fail with project-prefix-or-any-command
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2023 02:10:07 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.13.0

On 06/12/2023 17:09, Sean Whitton wrote:

Combined with

   (put 'vc-print-root-log 'project-switch-with-default-directory t)

somewhere in your init script.

The alternative would be tagging all project-related commands. Even if we also
check for the 'project-' prefix in command's name, the user-defined commands
using the project API will be affected (I don't know for how many it would be
a problem, but still).

This solution makes sense.  We definitely want the user to have a way to
tag additional commands.  But couldn't we pre-tag some, like this one,
for example?  It is difficult to think of wanting to not have this one
tagged.  And the user could always remove the tag in their init.

That would be a half-measure still. And why this command but not others? And if others too, then which ones?

It might seem natural to you, but it never occurred to add vc-print-root-log to project-prefix-map to me. What other commands would not occur to us both but would to others?

Would it make sense to tag all VC commands? Or just consider the 'vc-' prefix as a negative?

To consider the "alternative" approach once more, we could recognize the 'project-' commands as the ones that should use project-current-directory-override. But the rest would use default-directory, unless they have a property 'project-related' or something. That would exclude user-defined commands in the beginning, but then again, the difference between binding project-current-directory-override and default-directory might matter only to a small fraction of them.

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