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bug#67883: 29.1.90; Native compiler hangs when compiling code with circu

From: hokomo
Subject: bug#67883: 29.1.90; Native compiler hangs when compiling code with circular objects
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 18:22:41 +0100


The Emacs Lisp native compiler goes into an infinite loop when compiling code that contains circular objects.

For example, put the following into a file and use M-x emacs-lisp-native-compile; it should hang:

 (defun test1 ()
   '#1=(1 2 3 . #1#))

It seems like this only happens for certain top-level forms, such as `defun' (which may be expected behavior, due to the way the file compiler processes top-level forms). For example, this doesn't hang:

 (lambda ()
   '#1=(1 2 3 . #1#))

Here's a more interesting example, which is how I stumbled upon this issue in the first place:

 (defun cycle-pure (list)
   (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free t))
   (let ((newlist (append list ())))
     (nconc newlist newlist)))

 (defun test2 ()
   (cycle-pure '(1 2 3)))

(The definition of `cycle-pure' is copied from the `-cycle' function from the dash.el package.)

If `cycle-pure' is not yet defined when compiling, the compiler doesn't hang.

However, if `cycle-pure' is defined (e.g. via M-x eval-defun), the compiler hangs. This is weird because, unlike `test1' above, `test2' doesn't contain a circular list itself; it only builds it at run-time.

In contrast, this example doesn't hang, regardless of whether `cycle' is defined or not (note the removed declarations):

 (defun cycle (list)
   (let ((newlist (append list ())))
     (nconc newlist newlist)))

 (defun test3 ()
   (cycle '(1 2 3)))

My conjecture is that the `pure' and `side-effect-free' declarations within `cycle-pure' (which I assume are picked up only once the function definition is loaded) allow the compiler to do some constant folding when it sees the expression `(cycle-pure '(1 2 3))'. This results in the compiler manipulating a circular list at compile-time, just like in `test1', and leads to a hang.

Kind regards,

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