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bug#68401: 30.0.50; ERC 5.6-git: `erc-cmd-GMSG', `erc-cmd-AMSG', `erc-cm

From: Emanuel Berg
Subject: bug#68401: 30.0.50; ERC 5.6-git: `erc-cmd-GMSG', `erc-cmd-AMSG', `erc-cmd-GME', `erc-cmd-AME'. 2nd attempt
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024 03:31:28 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

>>> To create one patch out of all the commits?
>> Yes, please.
> Maybe it can be done like this. 
> $ git format-patch -2 HEAD --stdout > 0001-all.patch

I didn't find a command to change the commit message of the
patch but I think one can just as well do that manually by
editing the patch like any other file.

Here is the modified version with everything, I think.

Attachment: 0001-all.patch
Description: Text Data

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