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bug#67955: [PATCH] Add use-package-vc-prefer-newest user option

From: Philip Kaludercic
Subject: bug#67955: [PATCH] Add use-package-vc-prefer-newest user option
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 07:09:02 +0000

Tony Zorman <soliditsallgood@mailbox.org> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 12 2024 16:32, Philip Kaludercic wrote:
>> Tony Zorman <soliditsallgood@mailbox.org> writes:
>>> ++++
>>> +*** New user option 'use-package-vc-prefer-newest'.
>>> +This allows the user to always install the newest commit of a package
>>> +when using the ':vc' keyword.
>> I wonder if this should be merged into the previous point, or if it is
>> even worth mentioning, since it is part of a few feature that has been
>> added in Emacs 30.
> No strong opinions here, I can change this to whatever people prefer.

Let us leave it then, because I don't know what would be better either.

>>> +(defcustom use-package-vc-prefer-newest nil
>>> +  "Prefer the newest commit over the latest release.
>>> +If non-nil, the `:vc' keyword will prefer the latest commit of a
>>> +package instead of the latest stable release.  This has the same
>>> +effect as specifying `:rev :newest' in every invocation of `:vc'."
>>> +  :type 'boolean
>>> +  :version "30.1"
>>> +  :group 'use-package)
>> I would briefly mention what the issue could be when setting this option
>> to non-nil, just to give some context as to why it is disabled by default.
> Do you mean something like how this goes against what [Non]GNU ELPA do,
> and could lead to increased instability (as we are, by definition,
> tracking a moving target)? I guess a lot of users will be familiar with
> this style of development from MELPA, so I'm not sure any additional
> warning here is necessary. Again, I don't feel very strongly about this,
> so if you want this changed I'll think of something.

Yes, that was what I meant.  I don't want to assume that users are
familiar with MELPA, so a brief comment to that effect should suffice.

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