tags 68582 notabug wontfix
close 68582
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:16:20 +0000
Cc: manuel@ledu-giraud.fr, 68582@debbugs.gnu.org
From: Christopher Yeleighton <giecrilj@stegny.2a.pl>
C-x C-f /usr/share/applications/emacs-mail.desktop
> MimeType=x-scheme-handler/mailto;
If you configure Emacs to outsource the email job, you should tell the
system Emacs cannot handle mailto requests. The emacs-mail.desktop
file that comes with Emacs is not meant to be used in all possible
system configurations, it is just a useful template and example. It
is the responsibility of the user or system admin to modify it when
the system is configured in a way that contradicts the assumptions in
So I don't think this is an Emacs bug to fix, and I'm therefore
closing it.