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bug#68693: 26.3; (elisp) `Profiling': Say how to use (e.g. read) a saved

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: bug#68693: 26.3; (elisp) `Profiling': Say how to use (e.g. read) a saved profile
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 22:14:24 +0200

> From: Drew Adams <drew.adams@oracle.com>
> CC: "68693-done@debbugs.gnu.org" <68693-done@debbugs.gnu.org>
> Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 19:55:24 +0000
> > Thanks, fixed on the emacs-29 branch.
> > 
> > Use "M-x profiler-find-profile".
> Thx.  A suggestion would be to also add
> that to the menu-bar menu (if you didn't
> also do that just now).

I don't think it should be on the menu, for the same reason it doesn't
have a key binding: this is a relatively rare command, used only be
people who for some reason receive profiles from others.  Saving a
profile, by contrast, is a much more frequent operation.

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