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bug#68755: 29.2; Emacs crashes repeatedly after some steps

From: Ľuboš Pinteš
Subject: bug#68755: 29.2; Emacs crashes repeatedly after some steps
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 18:16:22 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

And what about to try the fresh Emacs, and set the home directory temporarily?
I did just that. I returned to Emacs after a long time I didn't use it, 
so I started from scratch.

I made just one mistake. I didn't notice that git-bash sets the HOME variable while cmd doesn't. So I accidentally tested with two different setups.

Dňa 27. 1. 2024 o 16:50 Eli Zaretskii napísal(a):
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 16:42:32 +0100
Cc: 68755@debbugs.gnu.org
From: Ľuboš Pinteš <lubos.pintes@gmail.com>

Sorry I tried to be as precise as I can.

Did you use my .emacs and did you reproduce the steps exactly?
No, and I cannot do that: your configuration has too many packages
installed that I cannot introduce into my setup, sorry.

Perhaps I did not mention that I ran emacs with -nw parameters. It seems
it does not crash when run as a GUI.
You did mention that.  "emacs -nw" doesn't crash here, either.

Other than that there is nothing moreI can tell about it.
Please show everything that is displayed on the Git-bash terminal
after Emacs crashes.

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