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bug#71712: 29.3; Crash on OpenBSD

From: Manuel Giraud
Subject: bug#71712: 29.3; Crash on OpenBSD
Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 11:10:50 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Kirill A. Korinsky <kirill@korins.ky> writes:


> No, because I've used egdb already. Frankly speaking I can't do it via gdb,
> lldb and egdb. It simple goes to a state which locks like a deadlock. I
> can't kill emacs or used debuger, and the only way to ride off that
> processes is reboot.
> Futuremore, at least once I achived a kernel panic [1] by my attempt to
> debug emacs. This was confirmed as bug by mpi@ [2] and claudio@ [3] who had
> planned to improve it.
> BTW, since I've rebuild emacs as suggested [4] I haven't faced any
> crash.

Thanks for all this backstory.  I've never faced a kernel panic from
emacs myself.
Manuel Giraud

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