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bug#71985: Lexical directives at start of file

From: Heime
Subject: bug#71985: Lexical directives at start of file
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2024 18:45:12 +0000

I was curious whether the -*- lexical-binding: t -*- directive is effective 
when there is an arbitrary number of comment characters before it.

For instance, in file.el:

;;; file.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

This is the first line from git-rebase.el in the Magit package:

;;; git-rebase.el --- Edit Git rebase files  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

This suggests that some characters can precede the variable list. However,
it's unclear if the number of characters can be arbitrary. I couldn't find
a clear explanation in either the Emacs or Elisp manuals. The Emacs manual 
mentions that it can be placed on the second line of a shell script, but 
doesn't provide much detail on the format. The Elisp manual does not describe 
the appearance of this directive at all.

I was wondering whether the "-*- lexical-binding: t -*-" applies when 
there is an arbitrary number of comment characters. 

;;; file.el -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

This is the first line from `git-rebase.el` from magit.

;;; git-rebase.el --- Edit Git rebase files  -*- lexical-binding:t -*-

So one can have some characters in front of the actually var list.  But not 
sure if it's arbitrary.  I don't see it mentioned anywhere in both Emacs and 
Elisp manual.  In Emacs manual, it only mentions that it can be placed on the 
second line of a shell script.  Elisp manual doesn't even mention how it should
look like.

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