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bug#72279: FSF copyright assignment

From: Thuna
Subject: bug#72279: FSF copyright assignment
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:22:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

> Also I don't see you in the copyright file.  Would you like to do the
> FSF paperwork in order to be able to contribute non trivial patches to
> Emacs?

I have applied for an assignment a bit over two years ago now.
Unfortunately, the problem which stopped it from going through still
persists to date, namely that the university in which I am a student
(which is based in EU if that helps) refuses to sign the copyright
disclaimer - or more specifically that I cannot get a response from the
legal department to begin with.  Craig has previously reached out on my
behalf as well, but as far as I am aware they have similarly not had
much success.

The only way forward that I can see is a. do not consider them a
possibly claimant to my work an forgo the copyright disclaimer or
b. wait a year after which I will (hopefully) graduate and hope that the
university I go to for my post-grad is more open to communication.  I do
not believe that b. is bound to see much success, but I do also do not
know if a. is a viable option for the FSF.

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