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PSPP-BUG: [bug #30702] Should include sample data with PSPP

From: Ben Pfaff
Subject: PSPP-BUG: [bug #30702] Should include sample data with PSPP
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2010 23:15:38 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv: Gecko/20100623 Iceweasel/3.5.10 (like Firefox/3.5.10)

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #30702 (project pspp):

From: Gene Shackman <address@hidden>

> You could use GSS, as it is popular and students will probably be well to
> of it.  However, there is also plenty of public domain data on the web, a
> from the US government.  I've compiled a bunch of it here
> http://gsociology.icaap.org/dataupload.html
> Some examples are
> PD-Data   http://gsociology.icaap.org/data/PD-Data.xls   population infant
> mortality and life expectancy by country from US Census International Data
> Base, 1980-2000.
> PD-Data2   http://gsociology.icaap.org/data/PD-Data2.xls   world factbook
> (migration, infant mortality, gdp per capita, literacy, population, phone
> lines and per capita), International database (infant mortality), USDA
> (food expenditure as percent of total expenditures, percent of food
> expenditure by type of food).
> USDA GDP data    http://gsociology.icaap.org/data/ersallcombine.xls   GDP
> GDP per capita, population, by world region and countries, 1970 to 2007.
> Updated version (to 2008) is here   http://gsociology.icaap.org/data/
> popgdpgdppercapita.xls
> All are public domain, which means you can do anything you want with them,
> without having to ask anyone for permission.  You can use them to teach,
> research, publish.


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