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PSPP-BUG: Re: [bug #31511] PSPPIre 0.7.6 crashes on launch

From: Fredrik Clementz
Subject: PSPP-BUG: Re: [bug #31511] PSPPIre 0.7.6 crashes on launch
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 15:49:44 +0100

Hi there,

I didn't really get what you meant by test 1 and test 2 (ehrm, possibly an idiot, but that's life).
It works fine!

Note that a uninstall and reinstall of the other file 20101030 didn't work ....

However, when downloading your new file it works fine!

Dunno what you did but good!



On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Harry Thijssen <address@hidden> wrote:

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #31511 (project pspp):

Could someone with this problem check the next 3 tests and report the

test 1)
  del %userprofile%.recently-used.xbel
  mkdir %userprofile%.recently-used.xbel
  check wif PSPP now works.
this is maybe a temporary workaround but it could interfere with other
After finishing the test
   rd %userprofile%.recently-used.xbel

test 2)
 gtk-recent-files-limit = 0
 gtk-recent-files-max-age = 0
as the first 2 lines in ..PSPP|sharethemesMS-WindowsGTK-2.0gtkrc
Test what the effect is.

test 3)
- Uninstall the current PSPP version
- Download the test version
- install and look if it works
- if not, del %userprofile%.recently-used.xbel  and try again

If you can't get PSPP working again, recovery from all situations should be:
- Uninstall PSPP
- if uninstalling is not successful, delete the map where PSPP is installed.
- del %userprofile%.recently-used.xbel
- install the 2010-09-08 version again.


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Fredrik Clementz

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